west 發表於 2019-4-10 14:33:24

ICA認證-Taiwan Classes 台灣課程,精研會員獨享5%優惠

Founder / Creator of the THX Video Training Program, now teaching the top of the industry ICA / PVA Training .ICA認證的專業影片系統校準課程是一個專業的程式,主要是在將影片專業人員提升到下一個階段。 第一天以課本練習為主,接下來兩天全程指導實際練習。此ICA 課程為您提供所需的工具,即可馬上開始提供顯示器校準服務。在這互動的課程期間, 您將能使用到來自Minolta、Photo Research、Lumagen、Gretag MacBeth、Quantum Data、Jeti 和Murideo等專業製造商的校準設備。 此外, 您還會實際著手進行各種顯示器技術的演練,包含了像是LED、OLED、DLP、LCOS和LCD 投影機。 另外,您也將會使用到尖端影像處理器(LUT boxes) 和多個尖端藍光光碟、還有UHD播放器載入最新HD和SD 測試磁碟。ICA 強調色彩管理系統,以及如何對其進行最佳調整,以實現真正的參考顏色。完成此課程後,您將會成為 www.lionavtech.comICA 影片校準器社團中的會員。這個特別的社團會為您提供有用的產業資訊,例如:最高品質的校準所需的校準服務規則,還有一個問與答社團,為您提供工作上的相關問題。除了能夠提供優質的校準服務外,您還可以提供PVA 校準證書和 PVA 的感謝函;這樣的行銷工具可以增加您額外銷售和帶來更多工作。歡迎您帶自己的校準工具來上課,然而,如果您另外有興趣購買設備,此課程將能幫助您選擇對的且適合您的工具。
TC 101 & 102 ICA Video Training, Level I, II (2 Days 2天)TC101 : This ICA workshop provides you with the necessary tools to start checking and calibrating monitors and projectors. You will learn about various monitor technologies including: LED, OLED, and DLP, LCOS, and LCD projectors. Students will work with the latest HD and SD test discs to achieve the best results with minimal equipment.
TC101 : 此 ICA 課程為您提供開始的必要工具,像是檢查校準顯示器和投影機。您將會學習到各種顯示器的技術, 包含了有: LED、OLED、DLP、LCOS 和 LCD 投影機。學生將使用最新的HD和 SD 測試磁碟,用最少的設備來達成最佳的效果。
TC102: This course takes video professionals to the next level. Two full days of supervised, hands-on practice. This ICA workshop provides you with the necessary tools to start offering monitor calibration services immediately. During the interactive session, you will work with professional calibration equipment from manufacturers such as Minolta, Photo Research, Lumagen, Gretag MacBeth, Quantum Data, JETI, and Murideo. You will also receive hands-on training on various monitor technologies including: LED, OLED, and DLP, LCOS, and LCD projectors. Students will also work with high end video processors (LUT boxes) and multiple high end Blu-Ray and UHD players loaded with the latest HD and SD test discs.
TC102: 此課程將影像專業人員提升到另一個階段。兩天全程指導實際練習。此 ICA 課程為您提供您所需的工具,即可馬上開始提供顯示器校準服務。在這互動課程期間, 您將會使用到像是來自Minolta、Photo Research、 Lumagen、 Gretag MacBeth、 Quantum Data、 JETI、和 Murideo 等這些專業製造商的校準設備。您還會實際著手進行各種顯示器技術的演練,包含了像是LED、OLED、DLP、LCOS 和 LCD 投影機。您還會將使用到尖端影像處理器 (LUT boxes) 和多個尖端藍光光碟、還有 UHD播放器載入最新HD和SD 測試磁碟。
Day One: CEDIA:8.0 CEUs*History of Television(brief)電視史(簡介)
* Why We Calibrate 我們為什麼校準
* What Makes a “Good” Image, Just Noticeable Differences(JND),and Video Performance
* Signal Path and Optimization Strategies 信號路徑和優化策略*Introduction to the Calibration Process介紹校準過程
* Contrast Ratios and Screen Uniformity(Lab #1)對比度和屏幕均勻度(Lab#1)
* Geometry & Convergence幾何&收斂
* Contrast and Brightness(Lab #2)對比度和亮度(Lab#2)
* Color, Tint and Color Decoding(Lab #3)顏色、色彩和顏色解碼(Lab#3)
* Sharpness and Enhancement Controls(Lab #4)清晰度和增強控制(Lab#4)
* Introduction to the Calibration Process and Integration of Signal Generators介紹校準過程和信號產生器的整合
* 3D calibration techniques 3D校準技術*Day & Night Modes (Lab #8)日夜模式(Lab#8)

Day Two: CEDIA: 8.0 CEUs (Day 1 and 2)
* Grayscale and Gamma灰階和伽碼
* Hands-On Grayscale Calibration with Different Technologies(Lab #6)實際操作使用不同技術進行實際灰階校準(Lab#6
* Software and Hardware Choices 軟體和硬體選擇* Competing Display Technologies比較顯示技術* Scaling Technologies進化技術
* Overview of Front Projector Setup, Hands-on Training, Keystone and Other Geometry Corrections & Screen Technologies前投影機設置概論,實際操作培訓概論,校準重點和其它幾何校準&屏幕技術概論*Color Science and Color Standards Including Color Gamut(CCA and CMS) Management色彩科學和色彩標準,包括色域(CCA和CMS)管理
* Overview of color management systems(CMS)色彩管理系統概論(CMS)
* Approach to CalibratingCCA and CMS … Examples of Different Systems(Lab #7) 校正CCA和CMS的方法... 不同系統範例(Lab#7)More Information HERE

TC 103 & 104 ICA Video Training, Days 3 and 4. Advanced Training by the PVA for ICA.TC103/104:Two Day Class   TC103/104 2天課程
For those that have mastered Level 2 calibrations and want to extend their skills to HDR. Discover new workflows and the use of 3D Luts for perfect calibrations. 此課程是對於那些已經熟練2級的校準人員,同時也希望將自己的技能能夠提升到HDR,另外發掘新的工作流程和使用3D LUTS達到完美的校準。
As technology evolves, one’s approach to setup and calibration must also evolve to achieve maximum performance from these new high tech systems. Attendees to this two day class will be presented with current best practice and then given the opportunity to apply this knowledge in a hands on environment that fosters a better understanding of cutting edge technology. Once a student attends the training, demonstrates understanding of the subject matter, and then passes the exam, ICA (International Colorist Academy) and PVA (Professional Video Alliance) Certifications will be granted.隨著技術的發展,建立校準的方法也必須要不斷成長,以便從這些新的高科技系統中獲得最大的成效。參加這兩天課程的人將會有現今最好的練習,之後有機會將這些知識實際應用到環境中,進而促進對尖端技術的最佳解釋。學生參加培訓後,示範出對主題的理解,然後通過考試, ICA (International Colorist Academy) 和PVA(Professional Video Alliance) 將授予證書。​Day Three - 4K - HDR – Advanced Class進階課程(CEDIA: 8 CEUs)
* Overview of Calibration and current best practice校準概論與當前最佳運用* Hands on calibration lab實際操作校準實驗室* Overview of 3D LUTs (Look Up Tables)3D LUTs (Look Up Tables)概論
* Application of3D Look Up Tables (LUT) and how they apply tohome theater and post production3D Look Up Tables (LUT)應用與如何應用於家庭劇院和後期製作* Hands on calibration lab, special consideration to projectorsand3D LUTs. 實際操作校準實驗室,特別著重於投影機和3D LUT。
* Environmental Issues環境問題
Day Four – 4K – HDR – Advanced Class進階課程CEDIA: 8 CEUs (Day 3 and 4)* 4K (UHD) implications4K (UHD)含義
* HDR implicationsHDR含義
* Hands on training on the latest flat panels and projectors focusing onUHD, DCI andRec 2020 Color Spaces, EOTF gamma manipulation, application ofHDR best practice to projector technologies. 參與最新平板顯示器和投影機的培訓,著重在UHD、DCI 和Rec 2020 Color Spaces, EOTF 伽碼操作,,HDR最佳投影技術的實際應用* New technology and future challenges全新技術和未來挑戰
* The Future of display technology including discussion ofUltra HD (UHD / 4K), OLED, etc未來技術呈現包含Ultra HD (UHD / 4K)、OLED等研討
* Online Exam & In-Field Calibrations線上測驗&現場校準
* Summary & Putting it All Together摘要&結論
More Information HEREhttps://static.wixstatic.com/media/eab9dd_cad723df10a646b8ae4493402d5d3f98~mv2_d_3156_1960_s_2.png/v1/fill/w_376,h_233,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/Untitled.webp​Who Should Attend 誰能來參加
[*]Colorists and editors 調色師和編輯師
[*]Digital Imaging specialists and supervisors 數位成像專家和主管
[*]Production / post production personnel including broadcast engineers
[*]Manufacturers and manufacturer representatives製造商和製造商代表
[*]Independent calibrators and enthusiasts獨立校準器和愛好者
[*]AV installers and integrators (Residential – Commercial –House of Worship)
      AV安裝商和整合商(住宅–商業–House of Worship)
[*]Contractors and technology consultants承包商和技術顧問
[*]Buyers for installation and integration companies安裝和整合公司的買家​

June 24-27 @ 115台北市南港路3段50巷24號 DIGIMAX
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