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[分享] 特效分享 Rising Sun Pictures Digital Environment Breakdown Reel


發表於 2013-10-11 16:52:53 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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We've created a Digital Environment reel showing examples of digital set extensions and full digital environments from cities to jungles. It's a combination of full cg builds, matte paintings and 2.5d projections, and shows the range of solutions we have provided to past clients for a variety of blockbuster feature films...

Rising Sun Pictures (RSP) is a feature film visual effects company. We've created a visual history of the FX and simulation development undertaken by RSP for a range of projects. You'll see how each project has allowed us to develop more advanced and sophisticated effects by building on past experience.

More information about Rising Sun Pictures athttp://www.rsp.com.au

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