alex 發表於 2013-6-13 11:01:19

Sony 發表 PMW-300 新款 1/2 吋 3CMOS 可換鏡頭攝影機

Sony XDCAM 家族,繼 PMW-100, 160, 200 三款手持機,及 NAB 發表的 PMW-400 肩扛機後,現在又發表了一款可交換式鏡頭之類肩扛機 PMW-300。

PMW-300 採用三片式 1/2" Exmor Full-HD 感光元件,並搭配 3DNR 降噪技術,將 EX 過去優異的暗部表現再做提升。而可交換式鏡頭的設計,也讓它可藉由轉接環來搭配不同的鏡頭來使用。針對 Kit 鏡,將會有兩款可供選擇,分別是 14 倍光學的 PMW-300K1 以及 16 倍光學的 PMW-300K2。Kit 鏡的手握把可依角度旋轉,便於不同角度取景使用。

記錄格式可選擇 MPEG HD422 (50Mbps) 或是 MPEG HD HQ (35Mbps) 等多種選項,未來也將支援 XAVC 編碼的擴充選項。新的 LCD 觀景窗解析度提升為 QHD 的 960 x 540,且可依觀看需要從不同方向掀起接目鏡設計,在收納時也可拆下,讓體積縮小便於攜帶。內建的 ND 提升為四段 (含 Clear),更利於在不同光源環境下進行光圈的掌控。並加入了快速開機錄影的設計,更利於突發事件的拍攝需求。另外透過選購的 Wifi 擴充裝置,還可以透過手機進行遠端的操作/設定調整。

Semi-shoulder handheld camcorder integrates with multi-camera operations
The PMW-300 XDCAM camcorder is equipped with three 1/2-inch Exmor™ Full-HD CMOS sensors, capable of delivering high-quality images even in low-light environments. Ample support for interchangeable lensand a robust metal body further ensure that PMW-300 is suitable for a wide range of applications. Additionally, the PMW-300 offers a convenient remote-control and multi-camera operation capability, which allows use with high-end camera systems.

HD 422 50 Mbps recordings ideal for a wide range of shooting conditions with XAVC future-proofing
An evolution of Sony’s industry leading PMW-EX3, the PMW-300 is able to record 50Mbps HD material in MPEG-2 HD422, meeting broadcast standards around the world, including the European Broadcasting Union’s (EBU) requirements on HD broadcast acquisition for long form programme making. The high bit rate ensures excellent capture of fast moving objects, while its chroma subsampling feature is perfect for a wide range of video encoding areas such as VFX and green screen applications. The camcorder can also be upgraded in the future to support Sony’s revolutionary XAVC codec, extending the lifecycle of the product to ensure maximum return on investment*.(* XAVC support for HD will be available in 2014.)

west 發表於 2013-6-21 10:35:09

看來 XAVC編碼未來會越來越被重視。

MythPlayer 發表於 2013-6-22 14:24:21

本文章最後由 MythPlayer 於 2013-6-22 14:24 編輯


eapcy 發表於 2013-6-24 21:05:04


popo 發表於 2013-9-12 14:50:43

XDCAM Camcorder PMW-300 (Promotion Video)

kg3173 發表於 2013-11-4 12:17:48

請問各位以後有支援4K錄音嗎 謝謝

XepherZenith 發表於 2013-11-8 22:37:04

kg3173 發表於 2013-11-3 20:17 static/image/common/back.gif
請問各位以後有支援4K錄音嗎 謝謝


hiphoto 發表於 2013-11-9 02:26:08

不支援4K 錄影
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查看完整版本: Sony 發表 PMW-300 新款 1/2 吋 3CMOS 可換鏡頭攝影機