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[分享] Xtreamer New Firmware release V2.0


發表於 2009-11-5 12:38:25 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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What's new in this firmware<br>
New features:<br>
1.    BD ISO playback support.<br>
-          Can’t supports menu navigation.<br>

2.    Change from SD UI to HD UI.<br>

3.    DTS HD Master Audio down-mixing and pass-through.<br>
-          Pass-through(5.1ch )<br>

4.    Dolby TrueHD down-mixing.<br>
-          Pass-through(5.1 PCM format)<br>
-          Direct pass-through (5.1ch) will be prepared soon.<br>

5.    Internet Radio.<br>
A.    “Internet Radio” menu added in main OSD.<br>
B.    *MyRadio* link to MyRadio folder in internal HDD first partition root directory.<br>
C.    .plsx extension detection support for internet radio.<br>
D.    Same file format for .pls and .plsx<br>
E.    User can use internet radio files residing in their internal or external HDD.<br>

6.    Photo thumbnail display.(in “Photo” menu)<br>
A.    Preview button toggles between “Preview off/Preview on/Photo Thumbnail” in “Photo” menu if there is any photo file in that folder.<br>

7.    Network virtual Remote Control.<br>
A.    URL http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/rc for mobile device.<br>
B.    URL http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/rc2.<br>
C.    Multilanguage support from keybord to search, rename etc.<br>
D.    Usable from PC/IPhone/mobile hand phone(including web browser)<br>

8.    Hostname Change Support<br>
A.    Web setup->DDNS/Hostname<br>
B.    \\hostname (to access Samba share), http://hostname:portnumber (to access web service).<br>

9.    UI effect sound.<br>
-          Setup->System->Effect Sound.<br>

10. Video playback window size decreased in internet menu.<br>
-      Press zoom button to switch to middle size, full screen, small Screen.<br>

11. Zoom and navigation support for Weather map in internet -> weather menu.<br>

12. Home menu UI can support multi language.<br><br>

13. Improve HDMI compatibility.<br>

14. Audio volume normalize.(except AAC, WMA pro).<br>

15. Network playback streaming speed up.<br>

16. Change Music Jukebox UI.<br>

17. Change weather UI.<br>

18. Change video playback information window.<br>

19. Change wireless Network UI.<br>

20. Increase subtitle window size<br>

21. Changed loading image for internet menu.<br>

22. Changed keyboard UI for internet menu.<br>

23. Reduced changing time between wireless and wired network.<br>

24. Language added (Arabic, Estonia, Hungarian, Slovenia, Vietnam) in web interface.<br>

25. Internet Video preview displays current time/total time and progress bar with buffering bar.<br>

26. Fan speed manual setting from 0 ~ 200.<br>

27. UTF8/UTF16 auto detection when no selection of Unicode in SUB-T/ID3TAG .<br>

28. After pressing “Enter” button on video file, direct playback while preview is on.<br>

29. Detection of external ODD improved.<br>
A.    If can’t detect, go to “Home” and press “Eject”. It will retry to detect.<br>
B.    To eject DVD go to “Home” menu and press “Eject” button(when DVD is detected).<br>

30. Fast forward from 0.8x to 2.0x displays subtitle also.<br>

31. Delete function added to remote control “Delete” (3) button.<br>

32. Change folder/file list in alphabetically order.<br>
-      A, A1, C4, a2, b3 -> A, A1, a2, b3, C4.<br><br>

Bugs fixed:<br>
33. 24p cinema mode<br>

34. FLAC file playback including id3tag.<br>

35. Support MKV internal idx+sub subtitle.<br>

36. Movie including FLAC audio codec playback support.<br>

37. Sometime crashes when displaying Folder JPG in preview window.<br>

38. Max 16 character input in keyboard changed to Max 128 character<br>

39. Direct numbers input from remote control to keyboard.<br>

40. DEL/SP key problem fixed for Chinese keyboard.<br>

41. After returning from NAS Mode, photo crash problem fixed.<br>

42. Audio file play problem solved from UPnP client.<br>

43. Play/Pause both works for Internet Video playback.<br>

44. Rumania code page changed.<br>
A.    ISO-8859-2  ->  ISO-8859-16<br>

45. Chinese missing character support.<br>

46. Samba Share of windows 7 can’t be seen.<br>

47. Center alignment of Arabic subtitle.<br>

48. No subtitle displayed while playing video if 1080P 24Hz set from setup menu.<br>

49. WPA key 64 characters not display.<br><br>

Known issues<br>
DTS HD Passthrough is ready. We are waiting for an approval from  the DTS Labs to release it. <br>

發表於 2009-11-21 11:41:01 | 顯示全部樓層
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