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[美語片] 2018/10/03 Venom(猛毒),片尾有兩段片段。


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蜘蛛人3(Spider-Man 3)片中的壞人(villain)Venom,Sony檯面下將這個角色拍成獨立電影的籌備動作,持續了四年多依然沒有間斷。洛杉磯時報的部落格24 Frames有一則獨家新聞指出,Sony希望超能失控(Chronicle)的導演Josh Trank可以執導這部蜘蛛人(Spider-Man)的番外篇(spin-off)電影版,新聞中指出雙方已經在進行協商。

Venom這個角色,是山姆雷米(Sam Raimi)執導的舊版蜘蛛人三部曲第三集中,三個壞人角色的其中一個。蜘蛛人3的全球票房高達8.9億美元,是舊版三部曲中票房最好的一部。在電影上片之後,Sony一度打算要拍第四集(後來計劃取消,改成重拍蜘蛛人:驚奇再起),差不多於此同時Sony也打算把Venom這個角色獨立拍成一部電影。24 Frames的新聞讓人驚訝地發現,這個拍片計劃竟然還存在,而且似乎有實際執行的可能。

24 Frames的新聞提到,蓋瑞羅斯(Gary Ross)一度與Sony進行協商,Sony希望他執導Venom的電影版。其實在當時,Sony不但希望羅斯擔任Venom電影版的導演兼編劇,並希望他也為當時尚未胎死腹中的蜘蛛人4擔任編劇。羅斯之前的作品包括奔騰年代(Seabiscuit,2003)以及歡樂谷(Pleasantville,1998),這兩部電影他都是導演兼編劇,他最新的導演兼編劇的作品飢餓遊戲(The Hunger Games),被好萊塢認為將會是今年度的賣座大片。

24 Frames的新聞也提到,Venom電影版已經有一個劇本的草稿(draft),這個草稿是由Jacob Estes所寫。Estes算是獨立製片界的人(Indie guy),他過去寫了三個劇本,他兼任了其中兩部的導演,這三部電影都是低成本的獨立製片。其中比較有趣的是,去年就拍好的The Details,男女主角是陶比麥奎爾(Tobey Maguire)與伊莉莎白班克斯(Elizabeth Banks),也就是舊版蜘蛛人三部曲的男主角,以及電影中那位蜘蛛人工作的報社總編輯的秘書。

24 Frames的新聞也提到,Venom電影版將另外找男主角,所以在蜘蛛人3中飾演Eddie Brock,也就是後來被Venom附身變成電影中的壞人的演員Topher Grace,將不會重作馮婦,再度飾演同一個角色。

現年才27歲的Josh Trank,他的導演處女作超能失控拍片成本只有1200萬美元,目前全球票房已經突破一億美元(北美6097萬美元,海外4398萬美元),而且票房仍在成長中。在超能失控上片前一度傳出,福斯希望他執導重新啟動(reboot)版本的驚奇四超人(Fantastic Four),但是他在為超能失控宣傳時,對記者表示沒聽說過這項提議。超能失控的票房,已經有發展續集的潛力,Trank下一部要拍什麼電影,可能仍有變數。



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發表於 2013-6-18 08:32:24 | 顯示全部樓層

SONY 邪惡六人組 THE SINISTER SIX 仍然在發展、尋找新編劇發展毒液Venom

本文章最後由 popo0121 於 2016-3-5 09:05 編輯

SONY影業宣布 蜘蛛人分別將會在2016年6月10號以及2018年5月4號推出以及Venom、THE SINISTER SIX電影角色發展

SONY稍早發布新聞稿宣佈,除了明年(2014)5月2號上檔的蜘蛛人:驚奇再起2(The Amazing Spider-Man 2)


CULVER CITY, Calif., June 17, 2013 – With Sony Pictures Entertainment now in production in New York on The Amazing Spider-Man™ 2, slated for release on May 2, 2014, the studio is planting its flag on two future release dates for one of the most successful franchises in studio history, it was announced today by Jeff Blake, Chairman, Worldwide Marketing and Distribution for Sony Pictures. The next two films in the story of Peter Parker will be released on June 10, 2016, and on May 4, 2018, respectively.

Commenting on the announcement, Blake said, “Spider-Man is our most important, most successful, and most beloved franchise, so we’re thrilled that we are in a position to lock in these prime release dates over the next five years.”

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is directed by Marc Webb from a screenplay by Alex Kurtzman & Roberto Orci & Jeff Pinkner, with a previous draft by James Vanderbilt, and based on the Marvel Comic Book by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach are the producers. The executive producers are E. Bennett Walsh, Stan Lee, Alex Kurtzman, and Roberto Orci.

The Amazing Spider-Man took in over $750 million at the worldwide box office last year.
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發表於 2013-6-24 19:19:16 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2013-12-13 23:09:07 | 顯示全部樓層

索尼影業宣布 有關於蜘蛛人未來的發展以及Venom、THE SINISTER SIX電影角色發展

本文章最後由 popo0121 於 2013-12-14 13:17 編輯



索尼影業發布新聞稿,新聞稿內容大致上是關於,蜘蛛人接下來的發展以及其他角色獨立作品發展,索尼影業找來Alex Kurtzman、Roberto Orci、Jeff Pinkner、Ed Solomon、Drew Goddard這五位編劇以及 Avi Arad、Matt Tolmac兩位監製加上導演馬克偉伯(Marc Webb),打造出一個巨大的智囊團來經營接下來的蜘蛛人電影世界,
目前Kurtzman、Orci以及Pinkner這三位正在為The Amazing Spider-Man 3寫作劇本,而製作公司也希望馬克偉伯能繼續執導下去,電影預定2016年6月10號上映。

此外Kurtzman、Orci以及Solomon三人也將會為反派腳色Venom寫作劇本,而導演有可能會找Alex Kurtzman執導,另外Drew Goddard則將會為THE SINISTER SIX負責寫作劇本以及執導的工作,將來都有機會看見這兩部獨立電影作品。

CULVER CITY, Calif., December 12, 2013 – In a move to forge a new legacy in the story of Peter Parker on screen, Sony Pictures Entertainment, in association with Marvel Entertainment, is developing several new projects in the Spider-Man franchise, with Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci, Jeff Pinkner, Ed Solomon, and Drew Goddard to collaborate on overseeing the developing story over several films that will be produced by Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach, it was announced today by Doug Belgrad,president of Columbia Pictures, and Hannah Minghella, president of Production for the studio.

The five writers, along with the two producers and Marc Webb, have formed a franchise brain trust to expand the universe for the brand and to develop a continuous tone and thread throughout the films. Under the deals, the studio announced that Kurtzman & Orci & Pinkner are writing the screenplay for The Amazing Spider-Man 3, which the studio hopes Webb will return to direct; the film will go into production next fall for release on June 10, 2016. In addition, the team will build on the cinematic foundation laid by Webb, Arad, and Tolmach in the first two movies. They will expand the franchise as Kurtzman & Orci & Solomon will write the screenplay for Venom, which Kurtzman will direct; also, Goddard will write, with an eye to direct, The Sinister Six, focusing on the villains in the franchise. Hannah Minghella and Rachel O’Connor will oversee the development and production of these films for the studio.

In tapping these five writers, the studio and the producers are guiding the future of the franchise with the writer/producers who have each played significant and key roles in developing such highly successful franchises, films, and series as Star Trek, Transformers, “Alias,” “Fringe,” Men in Black, Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, World War Z, “Lost,” Cloverfield, The Cabin in the Woods, and Marvel’s upcoming “Daredevil” series.

spider-man-sinister-sixCommenting on the announcement, Belgrad said, “The Spider-Man film franchise is one of our studio’s greatest assets. We are thrilled with the creative team we have assembled to delve more deeply into the world that Marc, Avi and Matt have begun to explore in The Amazing Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man 2. We believe that Marc, Alex, and Drew have uniquely exciting visions for how to expand the Spider-Man universe in each of these upcoming films.” Arad and Tolmach added, “This collaboration was born out of the great experience we and Marc had working with Alex, Bob, and Jeff on The Amazing Spider-Man 2. With more than fifty years’ wealth of stories in the comic books to draw upon for inspiration, the Spider-Man universe is truly boundless; in addition, the Spider-Man comics have the greatest rogues gallery of any series, and to have the chance to explore that on film is truly thrilling. Until now, we have approached each film as a separate, self-contained entity, but with this move, we have the opportunity to grow the franchise by looking to the future as we develop a continuous arc for the story. That is what Alex, Bob, Jeff, Ed, and Drew will do in this unprecedented collaboration, and we’re excited about the directions they are taking the character and the world.”


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發表於 2013-12-14 00:38:06 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2014-4-10 12:44:44 | 顯示全部樓層

索尼影業有意發展 邪惡六人組(The Sinister Six)


如果長期關注IVANSHAN所發表的 蜘蛛人驚奇再起2:電光之戰(The Amazing Spider-Man 2)(http://www.hd.club.tw/thread-87708-1-1.html),曾在2013年1月份時發表文章裡就有提到關於邪惡六人組(The Sinister Six)的相關訊息,如今索尼影業有義發展出單獨邪惡六人組(The Sinister Six)的電影作品,並且已找來詭屋(The Cabin in the Woods)導演德魯高達(Drew Goddard)執導,並且劇本也是由導演親自下筆創作,邪惡六人組(The Sinister Six)主要的六位主角分別是The Vulture(禿鷹人)、Electro(電人)、Kraven the Hunter(獵人坷略憤)、Mysterio(神秘客)、Sandman(沙人)以及八爪博士(Doctor Octopus),而目前電影也無明確的拍攝日期及上映日期,但按照索尼蜘蛛人系列作品2016、2018各上映一部的發展,邪惡六人組(The Sinister Six)如果順利的話很有可能會安排在2017年,而其實還有一部猛毒(Venom)也有意發展,究竟最後的會是呢?就要看電影公司是如何安排。


http://variety.com/2014/film/new ... goddard-1201153927/

http://www.hd.club.tw/forum.php? ... 29&fromuid=4206

http://www.hd.club.tw/forum.php? ... 46&fromuid=4206
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發表於 2014-4-30 15:40:36 | 顯示全部樓層
看來索尼已開始為邪惡六人組(The Sinister Six)做先行熱身,透過索尼影業別出心裁的安排方式。
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蜘蛛人驚奇再起2:電光之戰(The Amazing Spider-Man 2)片尾歌曲就可解開這個神祕的MTV彩蛋,
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Shazam - Google Play Android 應用程式

Shazam on the App Store on iTunes
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發表於 2014-6-2 13:26:21 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 popo0121 於 2014-6-2 13:26 編輯

SONY MARVEL攜手合作? Rob Liefeld(死侍Deadpool創作者)在推特上發布一段文字

My un-informed prediction, Sony will split producing/financing w/Marvel on next Spidey film and open door for inclusion in Avengers 3


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發表於 2014-7-24 08:35:46 | 顯示全部樓層
SONY的下一部蜘蛛人驚奇再起(第三集)將被推遲到2018年,而THE SINISTER SIX作品則獲得預定2016年11月11號,

Spider-Man Villains Movie 'Sinister Six' Gets Nov. 2016 Release Date
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com ... vie-sinister-720605
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發表於 2014-8-13 09:51:25 | 顯示全部樓層
蜘蛛人驚奇再起2:電光之戰(The Amazing Spider-Man 2)藍光收錄the Sinister Six
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發表於 2015-2-10 18:49:44 | 顯示全部樓層
其中WSJ的報導中有提到,邪惡六人組 THE SINISTER SIX 仍然在發展當中,

Marvel and Sony Reach Deal on Spider-Man Movie Production
http://www.wsj.com/articles/marv ... oduction-1423546677
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發表於 2016-3-5 09:04:25 | 顯示全部樓層
SONY尋找新的編劇Dante Harper持續的發展毒液Venom(會是一部衍生作品?)

'Spider-Man' Spinoff 'Venom' Revived at Sony (Exclusive)
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com ... enom-revived-872844
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發表於 2017-3-17 10:27:19 | 顯示全部樓層
sony宣布蜘蛛人衍生作品Venom預定2018年10月5日上映,劇本方面由Scott Rosenberg(驚天動地60秒)以及Jeff Pinkner(蜘蛛人驚奇再起2:電光之戰)負責撰寫,

'Spider-Man' Spinoff 'Venom' Gets a Release Date
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com ... release-date-986880
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發表於 2017-5-20 07:40:46 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 popo 於 2017-5-20 08:08 編輯

SONY宣布將由Tom Hardy飾演Eddie Brock(毒液Venom),風雲男人幫(Gangster Squad)導演Ruben Fleischer擔任執導,預計在今年(2017)秋季展開拍攝

Tom Hardy Is ‘Venom’ In New Sony Marvel Film To Be Directed By Ruben Fleischer
http://deadline.com/2017/05/veno ... el-film-1202098343/
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發表於 2017-10-24 23:36:47 | 顯示全部樓層
劇組的Day 1
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發表於 2017-11-4 09:58:19 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2017-12-12 08:47:35 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2018-1-12 12:14:40 | 顯示全部樓層
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2017 Comic Con Experience VENOM - Tom Hardy Live from the Set
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發表於 2018-2-8 16:15:46 | 顯示全部樓層
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