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聯想 Tegra 3 平板也採用 1920×1200 螢幕


發表於 2011-11-29 00:52:56 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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聯想 Tegra 3 平板也採用 1920×1200 螢幕?
由 rickybjj 於 November 21, 2011 發表 · 平板電腦, 新聞訊息 · 5 個留言 · 瀏覽 3,830 次

自從上星期聯想 Tegra 3 平板曝光後,相信大家都非常期待這台平板的相關規格與消息,單是 Tegra 3 四核處理器及 2GB 1,600MHz DDR3 記憶體已足夠讓我們興奮不已。
不過它的驚喜還不僅於此,根據 GLBenchmark 網站的測試結果,指出這款平板的正式名稱為 LePad K2,規格方面不僅處理器效能及記憶體容量更進一步,同時螢幕解像度也大幅提升,達到 1920×1200 像素級別,顯示效果極為出色。整體來說,LePad K2 在各方面都有升級,幾乎都壓著同級的產品來打,可說是當今世上最強的平板電腦。此外,洩露出來的資料還顯示,這款平板所運行的是 Android 3.2 系統而非 4.0。


 樓主| 發表於 2011-11-29 00:55:17 | 顯示全部樓層

Lenovo Tegra 3 tablet benchmarked, may have 1920×1200 resolution full HD display

Discuss [2] 18 November 2011 by Cory Gunther


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We saw out first look at Lenovo’s upcoming Android tablet earlier this week along with a few pictures and leaked specs. Among those was a 10.1″ display and as we all expected, the NVIDIA Quad-core Tegra 3 processor. Today a few benchmark results have appeared at the GLBenchmark site calling it the LePad K2 and we’ve now got a few additional details.

Obviously benchmark results are usually taken with a grain of salt. No images were available other then spec info and the details are a bit light. We are seeing Android 3.2 Honeycomb but an Ice Cream Sandwich build is probably under development but we don’t know what OS the new tablet will launch with. Most likely it will be called the Lenovo IdeaPad K2 tablet, just like the IdeaPad K1 before it.

While we don’t have any actual numbers that we can compare with other tablets currently available we did get a few added bits of information. According to the specs listed the Lenovo K2 Tegra 3 tablet will be rocking a full HD 1920 x 1200 resolution over the standard Android tablet 1280 x 800 we’ve seen lately. This goes right along with similar reports that the Acer Iconia A700 Tab will also have the same huge resolution. We are also hearing the Lenovo Tablet will rock 2GB of RAM and be quite powerful. We’ll be digging through the results and update if we find anything else juicy.


[via liliputing]

lenovo_tegra_3_tablet_leak-540x3501.jpg lenovo_tegra_3_tablet_leak-540x3501-150x150.jpg lenovo_tegra_3_tablet_leak-540x3501thumb_.jpg Lenovo-K2-info-150x150.png Lenovo-k2-more.jpg Lenovo-k2-more-150x150.jpg
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發表於 2011-11-29 11:06:39 | 顯示全部樓層
哥们  三天前我就在engadget发现了  联想在大陆很强势的
现在大陆的笔记本电脑都是华硕和联想占领着主力市 ...
hqgamer 發表於 2011-11-29 03:10

聯想的平板能拼的過  Apple iPad 3 嗎?


參與人數 1名聲 -9 精幣 -9 收起 理由
toshinko -9 -9 .........................


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 樓主| 發表於 2011-11-29 22:53:07 | 顯示全部樓層
哥们  三天前我就在engadget发现了  联想在大陆很强势的
现在大陆的笔记本电脑都是华硕和联想占领着主力市 ...
hqgamer 發表於 2011-11-29 03:10

聯想在大陸是老大, 不過在台灣就賣的不是很好
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