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[新品速報] 快去抓哦!THX推出THX tune-up,現正免費下載


發表於 2013-2-2 06:08:36 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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本文章最後由 soujirou 於 2013-2-2 06:19 編輯

THX推出了一款名為THX tune-up的APP
THX tune-up
THX03.jpg THX02.jpg

THX01.jpg THX04.jpg

Description   我簡單翻譯一下

THX tune-up (TM) allows you to properly adjust your TV, projector and speakers, helping you get the most out of your entertainment system.

Thx tune-up可以讓我調整我們的電視、投影機、喇叭

THX tune-up features custom video test patterns, carefully selected photos and tutorials to help you adjust and confirm the best picture settings on your display based on your room lighting. Using special test sounds, THX tune-up also lets you check your external speakers to make sure they are working in phase and are connected properly for 2-channel stereo or 5.1 surround sound systems.

Thx tune-up有精選的圖片跟教程,可以讓我們根據房間的光源來設置影像

THX tune-up is completely interactive and you will be able to go through it at your own pace and in any order. Use your iPad 2 (or later) or iPhone 4S (or later) to connect to your display or sound system with an Apple (TM) Digital AV Adapter and HDMI cable or through a wireless Apple TV. NOTE: 5.1 audio tests are only supported with an HDMI connection.

Thx tune-up調整是互動的,要調哪一個步驟隨便你
但是要iPad 2以上或iPhone 4S以上,然後要用Apple (TM) Digital AV Adapter接到你的系統上
這個Digital AV Adapter我也沒有,不便宜

To get started, locate the adjustment buttons on your television and audio video receiver (AVR) remote controls and then simply follow the THX app tutorials which will walk you through your “THX tune-up.” The app offers tips about your remote control, room lighting, viewing distance and other helpful advice.


Video adjustments
• Aspect ratio – ensure your TV displays shapes and sizes correctly
• Brightness – make certain shadow details and night scenes are clearly visible
• Contrast – confirm white detail is distinct on your television
• Color – make sure colors are bright and vibrant but not cartoonish
• Tint – check skin tones look natural and are not too green or red

‧縱橫比 - 就是顯示比例啦
‧亮度 - 暗不細節要看清楚
‧對比 - 白要白得正確
‧顏色 - 顏色要有活力XD
‧色調 - 膚色要自然,不偏紅或綠

THX tune-up uses your iPad or iPhone camera to set color and tint with a special built in color filter. Just point your device camera at the TV screen and see if your color or tint is adjusted correctly.

不過還是要有Apple (TM) Digital AV Adapter不然影像過不去啊啊啊

Audio adjustments
• Speaker assignment – ensure speakers are connected to the correct AVR output and intended sound is coming from the correct speaker
• Speaker phase – confirm that positive and negative speaker wires are connected correctly and all speakers are in phase

喇叭配置 - 看看位置對不對,有沒接錯
喇叭相位 - 看看有沒反相了

• Turn “moo can” on and tilt the iPhone or iPad to hear your device “moo”
• Play extraordinary THX trailers (just like the ones in THX Certified cinemas) to show off your newly tuned TV and sound system to friends and family
• Show off your audio system with the push of a button by playing “THX Deep Note” in 5.1 surround sound, just like in the theater
• Have a question for THX, or just want to provide feedback? Ask Tex!

用moo can可以聽到我們的設備moo moo叫(哞哞叫,牛嗎?)
‧有超讚的THX示範可以炫耀我們的音響= =
‧一個按鈕就可以體會"THX Deep Note"的5.1音效

Connection to TV or AVR
• HDMI cable (recommend a flexible cable that is at least 2 meters (6 feet) and HDMI Category 2-certified)
• Digital AV Adapter for use with the 30 pin connector on iPad 2 and 3 and the iPhone 4 and 4S. Preference is the second generation of the cable: A1422 (instead of A1388)
• Lightning Digital AV Adapter (for use with iPod Touch (4th generation), iPhone 5, iPad Mini and iPad 4)
• Apple TV Gen 3 to use the app with a wireless connection (iOS and Apple TV version 5.1.1 or later; not compatible for use with iPhone 4)


Additional Requirements
• Compatible with iPhone 4 (only with an HDMI cable connection to TV or AVR)
• This app is optimized for iPhone 5 for use with an HDMI adapter to your AVR/HDTV
• All supported devices except iPhone 4 can be used with Airplay Mirroring and Apple TV (3rd gen)
• 5.1 audio tests are only supported with an HDMI connection


Founded in 1983 by legendary director George Lucas, THX was born out of the desire to improve cinema audio and video capabilities. Since then, THX has taken this knowledge and translated it to other areas – including the home. THX believes everyone should have the best possible viewing and listening experience, regardless of the size and cost of the system they own.


發表於 2013-2-2 07:03:05 | 顯示全部樓層
感謝分享,但沒有那個Apple (TM) Digital AV Adapter,好像有這軟體也沒什用,不過還是先下載來看看
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發表於 2013-2-2 15:36:15 | 顯示全部樓層
我也不知道是否有用, 反正現在免費就先安裝, 希望未來用的到
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發表於 2013-2-2 19:30:05 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2013-2-15 22:10:44 | 顯示全部樓層
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