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EDIUS Pro 5日公佈免費更新視窗 7,實現實時編輯的AVCHD支援


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視窗 7,實現實時編輯的AVCHD支援
有了EDIUS Pro 5日公佈免費更新

湯姆森老人星株式會社(社長:壽山房)是將於 2010年4月在NAB 2010週一,非線性視頻編輯軟件草谷“有了EDIUS Pro 5”將公佈最新的版本。新版本的Firefox,EDIUS新2助推器Furufuremu ·福如該決議中的聲譽本地AVCHD視頻編輯在有了EDIUS Pro兌現。升級有了EDIUS Pro 5(或更高版本有了EDIUS Pro .5.5)是Windows 7(32位版本/ 64位版),以支持該操作。 AVCHD格式(高級視頻編解碼高清晰度)共同開發的索尼公司和松下高清視頻錄製和播放格式。兼容AVCHD的攝像機,DVD或視頻採取的SD / SDHC存儲,並記錄到硬盤上。 有了EDIUS Pro .5.5全幀是在全分辨率的AVCHD當地是唯一的非線性編輯軟件,可以聽多攝像機編輯。 AVCHD格式是由我們的引擎,有了EDIUS Pro 5.5是三年多的AVCHD流然後才能夠處理圖像實時(核心ì7基於 CPU的個人電腦,我們正在使用的測試結果)。 “有了EDIUS Pro,但收到的高度評價在外地的視頻製作及媒體公司,視頻製作和其他厘米的也被廣泛使用和生產。有了EDIUS Pro 5.5增加了新的功能,小AVCHD格式被認為是一種輕型,高性能,可有助於改善工作流程的用戶使用一台攝像機。“傑夫說羅西卡,高級副總裁草谷是一條評論。 有了EDIUS Pro也有本地支持,至今已編輯 AVCHD格式,有了EDIUS Pro 5.5提供實時性能明顯改善,AVCHD的編輯現在可以輕鬆而不需要轉換文件。此人是一種功能的EDIUS Pro編輯組合的人在同一時間線上 AVCHD視頻格式也可。 有了EDIUS Pro 5.5更新到模塊,在湯姆森的Canopus的網站,有了EDIUS Pro 5是計劃於有限的用戶免費提供4 4月中旬(*)。 * HDWS,REXCEED系列將刊登在WEB模塊不能應用更新。 HDWS,REXCEED更新模塊系列4可分別在5月中旬。要更新等HDWS / REXCEED請與我們的機構是購買的。
以前的版本有了EDIUS Pro(4.x版或更早版本)是你的人,你將需要一個單獨有了EDIUS Pro 5和升級。
有了EDIUS Pro 5 Ver.5.5不會出售包。有了EDIUS Pro 5將繼續銷售。



發表於 2010-3-12 09:26:45 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2010-3-12 10:19:59 | 顯示全部樓層
不過不如直接PO原文--因為機器人翻的也看不懂 !
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發表於 2010-3-12 17:43:51 | 顯示全部樓層
找了一些國外的資料, 基本上edius 5.5 就支援即時,原生avchd的剪接.圖層可逹3層.

Grass Valley Extends Powerful Features of EDIUS Editing To Rapidly Expanding AVCHD Market

Paris, France/Nevada City, CA -- Continuing to extend the reach of its EDIUS PC-based nonlinear editing (NLE) software, at NAB 2010 Grass Valley will unveil the latest updated version, which now includes real time, full resolution AVCHD editing already released for the EDIUS Neo 2 Booster package. This new feature is ideally suited to the professional and prosumer videographer who shoots and/or edits AVCHD video and desires native real-time performance when editing material compressed with the AVCHD format. In addition, EDIUS 5.5 is now fully Windows 7 compatible.

AVCHD (Advanced Video Codec High Definition) is a format for the recording and playback of high definition video. The format allows recording HD video onto DVD discs, SD/SDHC memory cards, and hard disk drives. AVCHD is also compatible with the Blu-ray Disc format and can be used for authoring and distribution of HD video.

Aside from EDIUS, no other NLE on the market offers native, full-resolution, real-time editing of multiple layers of AVCHD material. With the new Grass Valley AVCHD engine, EDIUS 5.5 can edit more than three layers of full resolution, full frame-rate AVCHD in real time.

Current users who have registered their EDIUS (5.0 or higher) software can download and install the update with Win 7 support and this new AVCHD support at no additional charge. Upgrading will bring all the benefits of EDIUS 5.5, including bonus software, GPU fx, partial clip transfer, Blu-ray disc writing and more, in addition to this new AVCHD editing capability and Windows 7 support.
“EDIUS has proven to be particularly successful in news editing and professional production, but is also being used for independent filmmaking, commercial production, creation of video exhibits for court, and other applications,” said Jeff Rosica, Senior Vice President of Grass Valley. “The new features in EDIUS help streamline the AVCHD workflow for potentially thousands of EDIUS users who are working with the new generation of smaller, lightweight camcorders that capture images with this format.”

While EDIUS had previously supported native AVCHD editing, the workflow was not practical, as users generally had to convert AVCHD clips to the Canopus HQ format before editing – requiring a manual process and a time delay before editing could begin. With the release of EDIUS 5.5, professionals can now bring native AVCHD clips to the bin within EDIUS and drop them on the timeline without experiencing any performance limitations. They can add clips and stills in any format supported by EDIUS at the same time without transcoding and rewrapping. There are no extra steps necessary before editing can start.

EDIUS is unique in its ability to allow editors natively in full-resolution and in real time, using any mix of formats that EDIUS supports. With EDIUS, users can mix and match formats, codecs, resolutions, aspect ratios on the timeline and still edit natively and in real-time. Now, With EDIUS 5.5, this is possible with AVCHD as well
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發表於 2010-3-12 17:47:19 | 顯示全部樓層
以後剪avchd 檔案就方便多了,將clip拉進來就可以直接剪接,不用再轉來轉去.

只是它測試的機子好像是i7,我那q6600 不曉得能不能跑得動.
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