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[美語片] 2017/05/10 Alien: Covenant(異形:聖約),前傳、續集英文小說陸續推出?!


 樓主| 發表於 2017-8-12 20:44:11 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 popo 於 2017-8-13 16:29 編輯

Alien: Covenant - Set Visit!

Alien Covenant BONUS + DELETED Blu-ray Scenes Explained
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 樓主| 發表於 2017-8-15 10:15:18 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 popo 於 2017-8-16 00:11 編輯

藍光收錄幕後花絮 Alien: Covenant | The Secrets of David's Lab: My Name Is David


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 樓主| 發表於 2017-8-16 12:18:23 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 popo 於 2017-8-17 09:15 編輯


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 樓主| 發表於 2017-8-18 08:02:34 | 顯示全部樓層

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 樓主| 發表於 2017-8-20 08:31:21 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 popo 於 2017-8-22 08:15 編輯


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 樓主| 發表於 2017-9-6 08:33:08 | 顯示全部樓層
非官方動畫 Alien: Covenant The Unofficial Animated Series - Episode 2 - Infection

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 樓主| 發表於 2017-9-8 22:07:33 | 顯示全部樓層

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 樓主| 發表於 2017-9-27 21:53:07 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 popo 於 2017-10-4 09:19 編輯


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 樓主| 發表於 2017-10-7 09:36:35 | 顯示全部樓層
聖約的續集似乎還在持續發展中?近日雷利史考特接受Empire Podcast訪問時透露續集的故事線走向


https://soundcloud.com/empiremag ... tt-denis-villeneuve

Empire Podcast #283: Ridley Scott, Denis Villeneuve
https://www.empireonline.com/mov ... t-denis-villeneuve/

Ridley Scott Teases Alien: Covenant Sequel Storyline
http://screenrant.com/alien-cove ... nder-david-details/

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 樓主| 發表於 2017-10-13 23:51:14 | 顯示全部樓層
popo 發表於 2017-10-7 09:36
聖約的續集似乎還在持續發展中?近日雷利史考特接受Empire Podcast訪問時透露續集的故事線走向

“異形自身 ...




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 樓主| 發表於 2017-10-23 23:07:14 | 顯示全部樓層
生化人David, A.I - Prometheus(普羅米修斯) & Covenant(聖約) 影迷粉混剪影片

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 樓主| 發表於 2018-2-21 20:22:54 | 顯示全部樓層

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-3-26 23:52:38 | 顯示全部樓層
deadline的獨家報導關於福斯(被收購後)電影合作的團隊未來去向裡,有帶到Scott Free(雷利時史考特的電影製作公司)接下來雷利史考特將與迪士尼合作Merlin之外,團隊也將繼續開發下一部異形作品。

Ridley Scott’s Scott Free seems also a good bet to stay: beyond the next Aliens installment that he’s working on, Scott is expected to next direct Merlin, a live-action movie on the formative years of the wizard, for Disney.

Fox Film Team Faces Rocky Disney Future; Paul Feig Moves Label To Universal
https://deadline.com/2019/03/fox ... layoffs-1202579443/
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發表於 2019-3-27 23:39:11 | 顯示全部樓層
本文最後由 IVANSHAN 於 2019-3-27 11:41 PM 編輯
popo 發表於 2019-3-26 11:52 PM
deadline的獨家報導關於福斯(被收購後)電影合作的團隊未來去向裡,有帶到Scott Free(雷利時史考特的電影製 ...

我想版主大人會錯意了,實際的情況應該是反過來,史考特的Scott Free預期將會為米老鼠之家拍攝以Merlin為主角的電影。版主大人引述Deadline的這一段報導文字:Ridley Scott's Scott Free seems also a good bet to stay: beyond the next Aliens installment that he's working on, Scott is expected to next direct Merlin, a live-action movie on the formative years of the wizard, for Disney.,關鍵字應該是beyond(除了...之外),意思是除了下一部異形系列電影之外,史考特預期將為迪士尼拍攝Merlin電影,Merlin是亞瑟王時代的巫師,所以是需要大量電腦特效的奇幻題材電影。對於記者來說,下一部異形系列電影(如果還有下一部的話),一方面是屬於福斯的財產,另一方面在異形:聖約的宣傳期間,史考特不時提到續集的話題,所以異形前傳的續集仍然被認為是發展中。

Deadline這則報導是上週三(3月20日)米老鼠之家正式併吞福斯後,原本在福斯電影的團隊會有什麼影響,報導用的照片是伴娘我最大的導演Paul Feig,他幾年前與福斯簽約,合約內容主要是拍攝他擅長的R級喜劇,他曾為福斯拍攝麻辣嬌鋒(2013)以及麻辣賤諜(2015)2部電影。而R級電影與現在米老鼠之家的定位不合,所以Feig已經轉到環球發展。

而之前就已經有多篇國外報導提到,史考特為福斯企劃的異形前傳電影據說有4部,第一部普羅米修斯票房表現只能算是差強人意,但由於影評與口碑不差,所以才有異形:聖約,但是聖約的票房與口碑實在太差,尤其是票房表現與前一部差太多,這也就是將近2年來續集完全沒有實際動靜的原因,雖然記者仍認為在發展中。現在,米老鼠之家正式將整個福斯納入旗下,R級電影在現階段的米老鼠之家是無立足之地的,連原本預期會拍成R級的黑寡婦電影,都已經確定不會是R級。異形系列的12部電影,包括2部異形戰場以及4部終極戰士在內,也只有異形戰場第一集是PG-13級,其他都是R級,再加上票房前景不佳,米老鼠之家不太可能會給錢拍新的電影。史考特超過40年的導演生涯,也只為米老鼠之家拍過2部電影,其中的魔鬼女大兵(1997)是R級,不過那個年代已經過去,現在的米老鼠之家至少在Bob Iger當家的年代是不會有R級電影的。另外,史考特年事已高,再過半年就要過82歲生日,他未來預定會拍的電影,好像也只有神鬼戰士2,再拍異形的可能性愈來愈低。


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 樓主| 發表於 2019-5-26 10:39:47 | 顯示全部樓層

Ruminating on the immediate future of the Alien franchise, now that Disney has acquired 21st Century Fox, Scott confirms that there are discussions for future installments, but warns that if the basic premise of “the beast” does not evolve like the Xenomorph itself, the “joke” gets old.

“You get to the point when you say, ‘Okay, it's dead in the water,’” he says. “I think Alien vs. Predator was a daft idea. And I'm not sure it did very well or not, I don't know. But it somehow brought down the beast. And I said to them, ‘Listen, you can resurrect this, but we have to go back to scratch and go to a prequel, if you like.’ So we go to Prometheus, which was not bad actually. But you know, there's no alien in it, except the baby at the end that showed, itself, the possibility. I mean, it had the silhouette of an alien, right? The alien [origin concept] is uniquely attached to Mother Nature. It simply comes off a wood beetle that will lay eggs inside some unsuspecting insect. And in so doing, the form of the egg will become the host for this new creature. That's hideous. But that was what it was. And you can't keep repeating that because the joke gets boring.”

Ridley Scott on the Hard Road to 'Alien'
https://www.hollywoodreporter.co ... -went-wrong-1213109

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-5-28 08:08:11 | 顯示全部樓層

“Alien” made $105 million worldwide back in 1979 — the adjusted gross is $283.5 million — and spawned three sequels, two crossovers with the “Predator” franchise, and two prequels, 2012’s “Prometheus” and 2017’s “Alien: Covenant,” both directed by Scott. A third prequel, which he will direct, is in the script phase.

‘Alien’ at 40: Ridley Scott Explains Why ‘You Don’t Show the Monster Too Many Times’
https://variety.com/2019/film/ne ... y-scott-1203223989/
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 樓主| 發表於 2019-6-3 22:45:35 | 顯示全部樓層
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