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[美語片] 2016/12/09 披頭四紀錄片 一週八天的歲月:披頭時代 THE BEATLES: EIGHT DAYS A WEEK - THE TOURING YEAR


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本文章最後由 popo0121 於 2016-11-7 21:02 編輯




Ron Howard製作披頭四紀錄片 THE BEATLES: EIGHT DAYS A WEEK - THE TOURING YEARS,將以披頭四早期(1962-1966)以巡迴演唱的日子
並揭露他們怎麼做決定 怎麼做音樂,並包含從未曝光過的片段,本片製作獲得披頭四成員和遺孀的全力支持。



 樓主| 發表於 2016-6-30 13:04:11 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 popo0121 於 2016-6-30 13:05 編輯

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 樓主| 發表於 2016-7-28 21:35:00 | 顯示全部樓層

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 樓主| 發表於 2016-8-26 23:57:25 | 顯示全部樓層

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 樓主| 發表於 2016-9-7 20:46:53 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 popo0121 於 2016-9-14 11:45 編輯


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 樓主| 發表於 2016-9-16 22:15:40 | 顯示全部樓層

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 樓主| 發表於 2016-9-21 16:10:47 | 顯示全部樓層

Cert. 12 | Feature Running Time: 100 mins
2-disc Special Collector's Edition (DVD/BD) includes:
1 x DVD/BD feature disc
+ 1 Bonus Disc (containing approx. 100 minutes of extras, highlighted below)
64 page booklet with an introduction from director Ron Howard, essay by music journalist and author Jon Savage and rare photos from The Beatles' private archive
Words & Music (24 mins)
John, Paul, George & Ringo reflect on songwriting and the influence of music from their parents' generation, Lennon/McCartney writing for other artists, The Beatles as individual musicians, and the band as innovators.  Also featuring Howard Goodall, Peter Asher, Simon Schama and Elvis Costello.  The interviews with Paul and Ringo are unseen.
Early Clues To A New Direction (18 mins)
A special feature touching on The Beatles as a collective, the importance of humor, the impact of women on their early lives and songwriting, and the band as a musical movement. Featuring John, Paul, George & Ringo, along with Paul Greengrass, Stephen Stark, Peter Asher, Malcolm Gladwell, Sigourney Weaver, Whoopi Goldberg, Richard Curtis, Elvis Costello and Simon Schama.  Again the interviews with Paul and Ringo are unseen.
Liverpool (11 mins)
The early days in Liverpool of the late 1950's and early 1960's are brought vividly to life by those who worked closely with them at that time including fan club secretary Freda Kelly, Allan Williams an early manager, and Leslie Woodhead multi-award winning documentary film director.
The Beatles in Concert (12 mins)
Five great but rarely seen full length performances of The Beatles live in concert - Twist and Shout, She Loves You, Can't Buy Me Love, You Can't Do That and Help!

Additional features are:
  • Three Beatles' Fans
  • Ronnie Spector and The Beatles
  • Shooting A Hard Day's Night
  • The Beatles in Australia
  • Recollections of Shea Stadium
  • The Beatles in Japan
  • An alternative opening for the film

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 樓主| 發表於 2016-11-7 21:03:39 | 顯示全部樓層
【一週八天的歲月:披頭時代】電影預告 12/9(五) 披頭狂潮

★《美麗境界》《達文西密碼》奧斯卡金獎導演 朗霍華 最新作品
★ 披頭四成員保羅麥卡尼、林格史達、約翰藍儂遺孀小野洋子與喬治哈里森遺孀奧莉維亞哈里森全力相挺
★ 你所熟知的樂團,你不知道的故事
★ 未曾曝光的畫面大公開,從披頭四崛起到1966年最後一場商業演唱會期間之巡迴全紀錄
★ 2016 金馬國際影展
★ 2016 西雅圖影展

1966 年,風靡全世界的披頭四樂團結束世界巡迴,超過一千四百場的演唱,不僅迅速掀起一股「披頭熱」,所到之處讓樂迷為之瘋狂,也從此徹底改變全球音樂產業,成為史上最暢銷的樂團,團員的私生活與軼事,至今仍為樂迷所津津樂道。

奧斯卡最佳導演朗霍華執導,以1962 至1966 四年間的巡演歲月為出發點,一系列外人難得窺見的影像與聲音片段,重新勾勒出這段改變世界音樂潮流的年代。本片也獲披頭四現存成員保羅麥卡尼、林
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