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[新品速報] Sony在柏林IFA發表最新4K投影機VW500ES / VW1100ES


發表於 2013-9-5 05:58:13 | 顯示全部樓層
看來還是要等所有配備都支援 HDMI 2.0 或等更新的 HDMI 2.1  (12bit)   

估計3年內  一次換掉
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發表於 2013-9-5 10:03:23 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 r32 於 2013-9-5 21:50 編輯

Today, Sony is happy to announce more details of our VPL-VW1000ES update plan that we know many of you have been waiting for. Since this plan relates to some technologies that had not been announced, we needed a little time so we could discuss all the necessary details of the program. We thank you for waiting and trusting us, and hope that you will see this as an outstanding opportunity, as we do.

As you know the VPL-VW1000ES was designed over 2 years ago, before recent security and HDMI standards were implemented. Now that those standards have been announced, we want to give owners an option to update their projector to take advantage of the new standards and the content that they enable. So, without further delay, here is what we are offering:

If you purchased your projector in the United States and it is presently in the US, You are being offered the chance to upgrade your existing projector. Simply contact your dealer and they will take care of the arrangements and let you know of the costs, but please give them a little time as we were unable to contact every dealer ahead of time. Talk to your dealer and decide if the upgrade should be done at your home or at their shop, but physical update of the projector will be performed by a Sony technician, in either case. The update will not only add the ability to use the new Sony FMP-X1 4K Media Player but also adds 4K 60P (4:2:0) functionality to your projector for future 60P content.

As you might know, the FMP-X1 media player comes with multiple Hollywood movies pre-loaded, but Sony has just added a live storefront to allow purchasing of additional 4K movies, as well. When updated, your VPL-VW1000ES will have the ability to play major studio movies in native 4K UHD resolution, so, as part of the upgrade package, we are including an FMP-X1 unit. Since the media player needs a Sony application to interface with your Sony Entertainment Network account, we are also including a Sony Tablet Z, as well. This award winning fully-functional Android-based tablet is used to allow you to purchase titles from the storefront, as well as to control the media player. At this time, the FMP-X1 is the only 4K player device that can provide access to major studio content, so we are happy to include it, as well.

The in-home or dealer shop update will provide HDCP 2.2 copy protection support, 60P 4K (4:2:0) playback, a 4K Media Player and a tablet to control it. Since we are basically updating your projector with new features, we wanted to include a new lamp so that when installed it will really be like getting an entirely new projector.

The value of all the components totals over $3,000, not counting the service technician or additional dealer services. Our expected cost to you for the update is $2,500 (10% of the list price for the projector), but check with your dealers as they are ultimately the ones that will set the final price. Please note that this is an optional upgrade and your projector only needs this update if you wish to add 4K player functionality to it.

We know that today you have one of the best projectors on the market and hope that you appreciate our efforts to give you an option to add features and support your projector so that it can be used well into the future with the newer standards. We tried to do so at the minimal cost and have worked hard to provide you with additional value. In fact, we are even going to add some more features that we will announce at CEDIA, so we feel that you will be even happier with the additional capabilities we will be announcing then.

Please understand that we have been waiting for the HDMI organization to finalize their newest specifications and, as such, the upgrades will not be ready until about November. However, we do ask that you pre-order as soon as possible so that we may ensure the availability of parts. Also note that, due to costs and logistics, we will be offering this update for a limited period of time only. The last day your dealer will be able to order the upgrade will be March 31st 2014.

posted by Sony Dave

美國Sony服務無得頂, 即買1000ES等update, 着數過買500ES / 1100ES.

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-9-5 10:14:47 | 顯示全部樓層
r32 發表於 2013-9-5 10:03
Today, Sony is happy to announce more details of our VPL-VW1000ES update plan that we know many of y ...

1. 只限於美國購買,目前機器仍在美國的用家
2. 升級內容: HDMI 2.0 + 4K月餅盒 + Sony 平板(用來控制月餅盒) + 換全新燈泡
3. 上述升級費用: 優惠價 2500美元 (原價超過3000美元)

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發表於 2013-9-5 10:35:52 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 r32 於 2013-9-5 11:10 編輯

小弟敗的是日版水貨卻身處香港, 恐怕連流口水的資格也没有.

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發表於 2013-9-5 10:38:58 | 顯示全部樓層
terry 發表於 2013-9-5 10:14
1. 只限於美國購買,目前機器仍在美國的用家
2. 升級內容: HD ...

這樣獨厚北美地區 , 我看全球其他國家購買VW1000ES的用家要連署向SONY抗議了
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發表於 2013-9-5 10:49:29 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 r32 於 2013-9-5 11:15 編輯
Fred 發表於 2013-9-5 10:38
這樣獨厚北美地區 , 我看全球其他國家購買VW1000ES的用家要連署向SONY抗議了 ...

兩個月之前AVS的確有人發起聯署, 關於1000ES未能播放月餅盒的4K電影一事, 要對Sony的失實描述提出訴訟.

如果不為1000ES提供HDMI 2.0 upgrade的話, Sony已算作出"失實描述", 以下影片在2012年四月上載, 接受訪問的是Amy Escobio 小姐, 時任Front Projector Marketing Manager for Sony Electronics’ Home Audio and Video Division.

大家留心 3 : 45

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發表於 2013-9-5 11:26:44 | 顯示全部樓層
從2011年底推出的首部家用4K投影機VPL-VW1000ES到2013年底的VPL-VW500ES , 讓在下想起當年SONY推出全球首部家用2K投影機Qualia 004 , 時隔兩年再推出價位較親民的VPL-VW100 ( 當然還是不便宜 ) , 模式幾乎一樣 , 唯一不同的是當年VW100推出後 , 隨即家用1080P投影機各家爭鳴 , 好不熱鬧 , 對照現今..只有SONY唱獨角戲..
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 樓主| 發表於 2013-9-5 12:16:31 | 顯示全部樓層
Fred 發表於 2013-9-5 11:26
從2011年底推出的首部家用4K投影機VPL-VW1000ES到2013年底的VPL-VW500ES , 讓在下想起當年SONY推出全球首部 ...

真期待JVC不要再撐了, 民生用4K DiLa趕快端上桌,不要在"伊細夫特"了.
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 樓主| 發表於 2013-9-5 12:18:17 | 顯示全部樓層
r32 發表於 2013-9-5 10:35
小弟敗的是日版水貨卻身處香港, 恐怕連流口水的資格也没有.

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發表於 2013-9-5 14:45:37 | 顯示全部樓層
west 發表於 2013-9-5 00:22
沒錯的話,這一款將是市面上第一部家用4K 60p的顯示設備了!!
精研也早就拍攝好一些4k 60p的影片了喔!!

超期待的 , 不過WEST站長也說了 , 製作4K/60P的影片 , 後製時間多一倍... 意即原本轉檔時間3小時的加倍為6小時
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發表於 2013-9-5 15:51:31 | 顯示全部樓層
VPL-VW500ES (Feature&Benefit)

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-9-5 15:54:41 | 顯示全部樓層
Fred 發表於 2013-9-5 14:45
超期待的 , 不過WEST站長也說了 , 製作4K/60P的影片 , 後製時間多一倍... 意即原本轉檔時間3小時的加倍為 ...

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發表於 2013-9-5 21:25:45 | 顯示全部樓層
可是VW500ES是Ture 4K面板,
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發表於 2013-9-5 23:08:59 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 terry 於 2013-9-5 23:15 編輯
Abby 發表於 2013-9-5 21:25
可是VW500ES是Tur ...

我是新款PJ 潛在買家,
True 4K 30多萬公司貨,

公司的Screen excellence 180" 4K 透聲幕明天就到了,
年底就上全4K.   No 還缺訊源.
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 樓主| 發表於 2013-9-5 23:14:26 | 顯示全部樓層
宏業 發表於 2013-9-5 23:08
我是新款PJ 潛在買家,
True 4K 30多萬公司貨,

年底PS4上市後,從美國Sony Video Unlimited 服務陸續「釋放」出來的原生4K電影、影集,以及明年夏天開始的日本BSD/CS 4k廣播,何怕沒有4K訊源....
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 樓主| 發表於 2013-9-5 23:19:23 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 terry 於 2013-9-5 23:55 編輯
Abby 發表於 2013-9-5 21:25
可是VW500ES是Tur ...

JVC的"依雪夫特"技術用在低階的X300,拿來對抗Sony 55ES還可以,但在Sony一口氣將4K新機500ES售價從(VW1000ES的)70萬攔腰砍成30萬(多)後,JVC高階的X700, X900想要靠"依雪夫特"撐起高價位,消費者恐怕沒那麼容易買單...
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發表於 2013-9-5 23:21:39 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 宏業 於 2013-9-5 23:25 編輯
terry 發表於 2013-9-5 23:14
年底PS4上市後,從美國Sony Video Unlimited 服務陸續「釋放」出來的原生4K電影、影集,以及明年夏天開始 ...



JVC 有計劃下放4K到家用嗎
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 樓主| 發表於 2013-9-5 23:43:40 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 terry 於 2013-9-6 11:59 編輯
宏業 發表於 2013-9-5 23:21

朱老闆,JVC原本傳聞本週要在IFA大展推出X500, X700, X900等配備"依雪夫特:參"(eShift 3)功能的2014年新投影機,但因為柏林當地昨天突然變天,風雲變色,德國中央氣象局已針對「索尼颱風」發布強颱警報,JVC的新機發表會聽說已經被迫延期了....殘念.....

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發表於 2013-9-5 23:50:03 | 顯示全部樓層
terry 發表於 2013-9-5 23:43
朱老闆,JVC原本傳聞本週要在IFA大展推出X300, X500, X700, X900等配備"依雪夫特:參"(eShift 3)功能的2014 ...


  您別虧我拉!! 事實上4k家用投影機讓索尼一家獨佔並非好事
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發表於 2013-9-5 23:51:25 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 r32 於 2013-9-5 23:55 編輯
宏業 發表於 2013-9-5 23:21

應該問 : JVC有能力將商業用4K面板再縮小嗎 > 縮小後開口率會下降嗎 > 增加燈泡亮度那JVC能維持跟2K面板黑位一樣嗎?


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