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[新品速報] Sony在柏林IFA發表最新4K投影機VW500ES / VW1100ES


發表於 2013-9-10 08:23:45 | 顯示全部樓層
Fred兄的文章是不是說明一個新方向,就是今後HDMI升級可以靠升級韌體解決,而不需更換新的硬體,特別是線材,這樣可是一件好事,上回1.3升級1.4就浪費不少子彈,尤其好的線還真不便宜,且愈來愈貴,希望2.0可以用1.4的線材!但至少未來硬體的輸出端子可以升級,像HDMI 2.1也很快會來到,買新機會放心一點!
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發表於 2013-9-10 11:00:41 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 r32 於 2013-9-10 11:02 編輯

暫時只得Sony有此等升級服務, 可不包括新有Sony產品, Sony UK就明確回覆avs網友查詢 : 現階段英國1000ES(不包括其他歐版)没有升級計劃.

據avs上報導, Sony是少數獲得晶片商厚待的廠家, 他家的HDMI晶片可能與別不同.
當年Sony推出世界第一台藍光播放機, 初代PS3, 本身只是HDMI 1.2, 後來竟然可以up上1.3, 對應BD3D.

所以Sony部份器材可以經fw update, 不代表所有Sony產品都可以, 其他廠家更不好說了.
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發表於 2013-9-10 13:08:12 | 顯示全部樓層
r32 發表於 2013-9-10 11:00
暫時只得Sony有此等升級服務, 可不包括新有Sony產品, Sony UK就明確回覆avs網友查詢 : 現階段英國1000ES(不 ...

又是美國! 美國人就是高人一等嗎?
其他國家的買家也是花錢買 Sony 的產品啊!
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發表於 2013-9-10 15:30:54 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 t0884401 於 2013-9-10 15:34 編輯

現在的HDMI AMP旗艦級也是只能過4k/30p.

先前買VW1000ES + HDMI旗艦級 4K AMP + Panasonic BZT9300 不久就要全換了,因為AMP跟BS或BD播放都沒有4K/60P

以前一台SONY G70三槍旗艦級投影機多少錢,現在送我,我都懶得去搬.
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發表於 2013-9-10 15:48:02 | 顯示全部樓層
t0884401 發表於 2013-9-10 15:30
現在的HDMI AMP旗艦級也是只能過4k/30p ...

PS3 這是 7年前的舊產品!!
PS3 如果還可以用軟體更新再來支援 HDMI 2.0,
那小弟我就跪下來向 Sony 磕頭!!!!!!!
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 樓主| 發表於 2013-9-10 16:56:01 | 顯示全部樓層
Zzebra 發表於 2013-9-10 15:48
PS3 這是 7年前的舊產品!!
PS3 如果還可以用軟體更新再來支援 HDMI 2.0,
那小弟我就跪下來向 Sony 磕頭!! ...

PS3只能支援1080p,即便支援HDMI 2.0, 也不可能播放4K,更遑論4K@60p
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發表於 2013-9-10 16:56:59 | 顯示全部樓層
t0884401 發表於 2013-9-10 15:30
現在的HDMI AMP旗艦級也是只能過4k/30p ...

G70投影機當年賣50-70萬,我都還有一台,雖可上1080P但調整麻煩,加購的HDMI介面也不穩定(非SONY產品),下半年SONY有一堆4K相關產品要推出,包括專業和家用4K攝影機,播放機,月餅盒,PS-4,新4K電視....等等,等出齊了,確定可以相互支援,再動手還不晚,且新Mac Pro和Windows 8.1也支援4K但不知和Sony電視、投影機配不配,都是想知道的!

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發表於 2013-9-10 17:25:31 | 顯示全部樓層
tpe 發表於 2013-9-10 16:56
G70投影機當年賣50-70萬,我都還有一台,雖可上1080P但調整麻煩,加購的HDMI介面也不穩定(非SONY產品) ...


以上是隔壁棟的討論 , KOBSS兄指出3個重點
1.這次 HDMI 2.0 頻寬提升了, TMDS 頻率也從 340MHz 一口氣升到了 600MHz

2.目前 PC 端尚未有顯卡支援 HDMI 2.0
目前 intel / nVIDIA / AMD 雖然可以 HDMI 輸出 3840x2160 30p 或是 4096x2160 24p
但要顯示這樣解析度以及更新率, TMDS 已經要 300MHz 才夠了.
想上 4K60p , TMDS 頻率就得提高一倍才行!

3.所以, 現行機種不可能只靠修改韌體就能上 4K60p , 除非一開始電子設計時就偷跑夾帶 HDMI 2.0 規範

精研這邊也有廠商先提供了15米宣稱符合HDMI2.0規範18Gbps線材 , 不過除了要有顯示器支援4K/60P , west站長拍攝的4k/60p影片  , 但卡在播放機這邊目前也是還未明朗 ( sony自家的月餅盒和ps4除外 ) , 除非直接拿4k攝影機F55來接...

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發表於 2013-9-10 18:11:51 | 顯示全部樓層
感謝Fred兄再一次釋疑,這次HDMI 2.0希望能解決以一條線連接60P的問題,過去只有JVC和Toshiba電視,可透過那個價值數十萬的小盒子以四條HDMI線連接,看過後連4K攝影機都不想升級,個人已歷經AV從S端子起迄今的各次升級,但以這次最令人混淆,遲遲都難做決定,因要換的機器太多,決定去日本看看電子展和去米國看CES,之後或許會變聰明些.....!
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發表於 2013-9-11 16:18:45 | 顯示全部樓層
tpe 發表於 2013-9-10 18:11
感謝Fred兄再一次釋疑,這次HDMI 2.0希望能解決以一條線連接60P的問題,過去只有JVC和Toshiba電視,可透過 ...

請教大哥, 日本有哪些有名的電子展?
美國 CES 展是很有名沒錯!
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發表於 2013-9-11 16:21:05 | 顯示全部樓層
Fred 發表於 2013-9-10 17:25

以上是隔壁棟的討論 , KOBSS兄指出3個重點

這樣看來, 這時後買高階的顯示卡會很不划算!
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發表於 2013-9-12 18:25:22 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 tpe 於 2013-9-12 18:26 編輯
Zzebra 發表於 2013-9-11 16:18
請教大哥, 日本有哪些有名的電子展?
美國 CES 展是很有名沒錯!


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發表於 2013-9-12 21:25:02 | 顯示全部樓層
SONY 最近推出很多商品,
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發表於 2013-9-12 23:43:23 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2013-9-13 07:20:19 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 XepherZenith 於 2013-9-12 15:21 編輯



有這台的話直接用現有的電腦就能接,也不用等HDMI 2.0顯卡出來吧.
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發表於 2013-9-13 12:32:10 | 顯示全部樓層
tpe 發表於 2013-9-12 18:25
日本許多AV、電子和音響展大都在秋天的九月底或十月初展出,有好幾個展覽,但最受矚目受日本各大公司認可 ...

看來日本的各大電視廠都會在 CEATEC 展 4K TV
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發表於 2013-9-13 23:16:02 | 顯示全部樓層
VPL-VW500ES uses a large aspheric plastic lens newly developed with advanced technologies in manufacturing and optical design, which realizes comparable 4K lens performance with a remarkable down sizing.

VPL-VW1000ES: 18 all-glass lens, length 246 mm, front lens width 89 mm, weight ??

VPL-VW500ES: 1 plastic lens + 13 glass lenses, length 199 mm, front lens width 86 mm, weight 0.88 kg


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發表於 2013-9-13 23:18:39 | 顯示全部樓層
http://translate.googleuserconte ... Y6Vhi6grSbve8boIOqg

Why VW1000 contrast is higher:
The SXRD microdisplay, with a native resolution of 4096x2160, are exactly the same as those fitted by VW1000. However, there is a substantial difference, due to the large difference in the contrast ratio compared to VW1000. Tak Nakane pointed out that in VW1000, within the light path is inserted in a special filter that works in synergy with the SXRD microdisplay and allows a sharp increase in the native contrast ratio. The downside of this is in the 'luminous efficiency for the VW10000 is so low that the use of a very powerful lamp. In VW500 miss this filter, the optical engine is more efficient (the lamp is only 260W) but the contrast ratio suffers a little. That statement net of 'IRIS is 200.000:1, compared to the million: 1 VW1000.

Regarding sharpness and overall image:
It is no getting around it. I prefer to get right to the point: the new VW500 is not so far from VW1000 as you might infer from the declared characteristics. The luminous flux, net of calibration, it is very, very close to that of the VW1000. Spannometricamente, considering the gain of the screen I've seen and measurement to the white flight that I was able to do, (never leave home without a photometer!) The projector is brighter dell'HW50. So I expect at least 1,400 lumens and maybe even 1,500, so that the 4 meters wide with a unity gain screen will absolutely not be a problem either with lamp in economy mode.

Even the 'objective has impressed me. The time available (very little) and the absence of test signals (next time, in addition to the photometer, I must remember to bring those too!) Did not allow me to make sure references but I still found the image very well, and very close to that of the VW1000. Probably - this is a must for confirmation - compared to VW1000 is perhaps a bit 'less accuracy in the outlying areas. I thought it was rather good uniformity of the luminous flux.
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發表於 2013-9-14 09:33:01 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 r32 於 2013-9-14 09:38 編輯

Feature: IFA 2013 - First Look at Sony VPL-VW500 4K Ultra HD Projector

Sony were first out of the gates when it came to 4K, releasing their incredible VPL-VW1000ES 4K projector back in January 2012! We reviewed it in April of that year and were amazed that Sony had effectively crammed a professional 4K projector into a consumer package. There might not have been any 4K content at the time - there still isn’t much now - but Sony were clearly streets ahead of the competition, although all this innovation came with a hefty £17,000 price tag.
Now Sony have stolen the limelight again with last week's launch of the VPL-VW500ES at IFA, which offers the reality of 4K projection at a rather more accessible price of £8,500. The VW500 uses the same DCI specifications as the VW1000, which means it can deliver both the full cinema 4K resolution of 4096 x 2160, as well as the new Ultra HD resolution of 3840 x 2160. The image is created using three native 4K SXRD panels that leverage off the back of Sony’s 4K expertise from the professional digital cinema market and deliver a response rate of 2.5ms.

Unlike the VW1000, the new projector also has the latest HDMI 2.0 inputs to accommodate 4K content at up to 60Hz. This will allow for smoother motion and better temporal resolution with 4K content recorded at 50 or 60Hz. Existing owners of the VW1000 can have their projector upgraded to HDMI 2.0 but there will be an associated cost. If the standard for 4K ultimately moves to 100/120Hz then Sony believe they can just update the VW500‘s firmware in exactly the same way as they are currently doing with their X9 4K TVs. There's a USB port on the VW500 for just such an eventuality, as well as any other future firmware updates.

The VW500 also features Sony’s proprietary 4K upscaler called Reality Creation, which is designed to enhance high definition 1080p content, allowing viewers to enjoy 4K images with their existing Blu-ray Discs, even in 3D. Furthermore, the VW500 has an original 4K up-scaling algorithm designed for “Mastered in 4K” Blu-ray Discs from Sony Pictures Entertainment, which is supposed to enable a more accurate 4K native picture quality when upscaling. We remain somewhat skeptical of these claims but there was no denying that upscaled Blu-rays looked superb when we had a private demo of the VW500. Sony has also upgraded their Motionflow frame interpolation software, creating a 'combination' mode that uses both the Film Projection and Motion Enhancer features. However the purists amongst us will be glad to hear that there is also a 'True Cinema' mode that retains the look of 24fps film.

The VW500 also has a claimed contrast ratio of 200,000:1 which is higher than the VW1000, although this is achieved through a combination of Sony's 'Advanced Iris 3' dynamic iris and the same SXRD panel found on the VW1000 that has improved native contrast performance. There is an electronic panel alignment feature which allows the red and blue panels to be adjusted with respect to the green panel by as little as 0.1 pixels. The VW500’s optical engine and SXRD panels also incorporate Sony’s Triluminos display technology, allowing it deliver a wider colour space. The VW1000 always included Triluminos technology but Sony have only just started marketing that fact now that it has been given a brand name. The VW1000 actually has a wider colour space than the VW500 and can hit DCI specifications, which apparently the VW500 can’t.

That isn’t the only area where the VW1000 remains superior as the more expensive projector has 2,000 ANSI-lumen brightness compared to the VW500’s 1,700 ANSI-lumens, although that’s still very bright. The major difference between the two projectors is in terms of the lens and it’s here that Sony have shaved off some of the cost. The VW1000 has an 18 piece, all-glass lens assembly whilst the VW500 has a 1 plastic and 13 glass piece lens assembly. The result is not only a lower price but also a more compact chassis that’s 18cm shorter than the VW1000, and a significantly reduced amount of weight (14kg compared to 20kg). The VW500 achieves this compact chassis size through a combination of a short projection lens and a 'bending optical block'.

In other respects, the VW500 has a similar chassis construction to the VW1000, with a front facing fan and side facing inputs, so you don't have to worry about rear space when installing the projector. This means you can maximise the throw distance for a larger projected image. The VW500 has a throw ratio between 1.38:1 and 2.83:1, thanks to a 2.06 times motorised zoom lens. It also has a wider lens shift of up to 85% vertical and 31% horizontal, giving greater installation flexibility - even when the ceiling is very high. There is also a Picture Position Memory, which allows you to easily zoom and shift the image between a 1.85:1 and 2.35:1 aspect ratio.

Unlike the VW1000, the cheaper projector includes a full colour management system which allows users to adjust the hue, saturation and brightness to obtain a calibrated picture. There is also an auto calibration feature, that uses a built-in colour sensor to store the original measurements and periodically adjust the settings as the bulb ages. Sony has also included a built-in RF transmitter for the active shutter 3D, which provides further installation flexibility with a strong wireless signal for wider coverage. There's also an optional wireless HDMI emitter/receiver kit for Full HD up to 60Hz, allowing you to wirelessly connect the VW500 to your various sources.

Well that's all the specifications covered, the real question is how did it look in action? In a word - breathtaking. We were treated to some beautifully shot 4K footage of Africa and, projected onto a very large screen, the benefits of 4K were clear to see. The image accuracy, the brightness, the blacks and the sheer amount of detail on display was just staggering. The demonstration was using the dynamic iris but there were no obvious shifts in brightness as it opened and closed, resulting in impressive dynamic range. We then watched the trailer for Elysium in 4K and, again, it looked incredible, although we did see some slight judder in the fast camera moves, which may have been caused by the server Sony was using.

When we moved on to upscaled Blu-rays the Reality Creation engine really came into its own, taking full advantage of the higher resolution panel to deliver images that you would almost believe were native 4K. Sony used the 'Mastered in 4K' copy of The Amazing Spider-man and whilst some of Sony's claims regarding these Blu-ray discs are slightly dubious, there's no denying it looked superb on the VW500. The images were bright, blacks looked deep, colours natural and there was a fantastic level of detail without any noticeable processing. Despite its relative brightness, the VW500 was also a very quiet projector and at no point during the demo were we aware of the projector's presence.

The VW500 certainly looked as impressive as the VW1000 did when we had that projector in for review last year and although both models will be available concurrently, we really can't see any reason to pay twice as much for the VW1000 when the VW500 looks this good. It's early days in the 4K projector wars but currently the only two available are both made by Sony, which effectively means the Japanese manufacturer has the market to themselves. There will undoubtedly be other 4K projectors launched in the coming months but with its combination of performance, features and price, Sony's VPL-VW500ES is going to be a tough act to follow.


按 : 作者可能攪錯了1000ES的對比度數值
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發表於 2013-9-15 13:56:50 | 顯示全部樓層
terry 發表於 2013-9-4 23:20
Sony目前在民生家用原生4K投影機市場,截至目前仍是市場唯一的廠商。兩年前,Sony推出劃時代的VW1000ES, ...

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