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[新品速報] NAB13- NEX-FS700 的 4K 奇幻之旅 (HXR-IFR5 或 Odyssey 7Q)


發表於 2013-4-9 12:08:11 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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Sony 公布了 NEX-FS700 的 4K 升級計畫
預計於六月底會推出 HXR-IFR5 介面裝置,搭配 AXS-R5 這個與 F5/F55 同步發表的 RAW 檔記錄器
便能支援 4K (4096x2160) 24p, 30p, 60p 的 RAW 記錄,及 4 秒鐘的 120fps 的 4K 高格記錄
而在 2K (2048x1080) 模式下,能以 240fps 的高格做連續記錄 (無暫存區時間限制,可記錄到卡滿)

著名的外部記錄器廠牌 Convergent Design 也在會場透露
旗下最新款的 Odyssey 7Q 記錄器也會支援未來升級成 4K 的 FS700
能用它來記錄壓縮的 4K 影像,或是以 2K RAW 的方式記錄 240fps 高速錄影的影像,時間也能長達 45 分鐘之久
與 sony 自家解決方案最大的不同就是無需 HXR-IFR5 這樣的介面裝置,整體來說會更便於配置與攜帶



 樓主| 發表於 2013-4-10 00:35:06 | 顯示全部樓層
https://blog.sony.com/press/sony ... ex-fs700-camcorder/

Sony Expands Recording Options for NEX-FS700 Camcorder
by Tom Di Nome 04/09/2013

LAS VEGAS, NAB Booth C11001, April 8, 2013 – Sony is announcing that its affordable 4K production camcorder, the NEX-FS700, will support a direct connection to Convergent Design’s new Odyssey7Q. The combination will allow recording of 2K RAW at up to 240 frames per second, with 4K video enabled via a single 3G connection.

The NEX-FS700 can achieve a high frame rate of up to 240 fps recording in 2K RAW while recording to the Odyssey 7Q. The 240 content fps is recording continuously, without windowing the imager or line doubling the signal. This assures full resolution at all times without windowing artifacts.

The direct connection to Convergent Design’s new Odyssey 7Q complements Sony’s own newly announced recording solution using the AXS-R5 RAW recorder and the new HXR-IFR5 interface unit. Now professional users have even more flexibility in choosing a workflow that meets their needs for today’s diverse client requirements.

“The addition of RAW and 4K recording unleashes the full power of the FS700’s state of the art 4K imager, vastly increasing the potential applications for the camcorder and resulting in tremendous flexibility in post-production,” said Peter Crithary, marketing manager for large sensor technology at Sony Electronics. “Now, interoperability with the exciting Odyssey 7Q in addition to our own recording technology gives users a wide range of cost effective choices when working with diverse workflows.”

The Odyssey7Q is a 7.7-inch OLED monitor that can be upgraded to become a professional multi-stream (4-channel) recorder. It can record 4K and also output to true 4K monitors, via four separate HD-SDI single-link outputs. It can support high frame rates, up to 120 fps in both compressed codecs and full uncompressed. The Odyssey7Q will also support recording, with an extra cost feature, up to 240 fps, in specific modes, such as HD or 2K.

“We are very excited to collaborate with Sony,” said Mike Schell, President of Convergent Design. “Together we can now offer 2K HFR RAW and 4K recording at a very affordable price.”

The Sony HXR-IFR5 interface unit has a 3G HD-SDI input and will transfer the 2K and 4K RAW data for recording onto Sony’s new Access Memory Card technology, using the AXS-R5 Recorder. After recording the 2K and 4K RAW data onto the Access Memory Card, the workflow is the same as Sony’s CineAlta 4K cameras, the PMW-F5 and PMW-F55 when using the R5 for RAW recording. This gives users the unique opportunity to combine camera solutions in production for multi-camera scenarios with the advantage of a unified 2K and 4K RAW workflow.
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使用道具 舉報

發表於 2013-4-10 12:25:33 | 顯示全部樓層
Odyssey7Q好像4K只能到30p.... Sony果然留一手!
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使用道具 舉報

發表於 2013-4-10 21:40:29 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2013-4-11 10:40:30 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 jyc3 於 2013-4-11 10:41 編輯

不只firmware, FS700硬體也要升級才能support 4K??

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使用道具 舉報

發表於 2013-4-21 22:59:02 | 顯示全部樓層
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 樓主| 發表於 2013-4-22 12:47:29 | 顯示全部樓層

影片中有說明關於搭配 HXR-IFR5 + AXS-R5 跟 Convergent-Design 的 Odyssey 7Q 兩者在記錄格式上的差別

- 2K (RAW / 240fps / 可連續記錄)
- 4K (RAW / 60fps)

Odyssey 7Q
- 2K (CinemaDNG / 240fps)
- 4K (DPX / 30fps)
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使用道具 舉報

發表於 2013-4-22 20:52:18 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 陳武正 於 2013-4-22 20:52 編輯

看來還是Sony HXR-IFR5+AXS-R5要比Odyssey 7Q來得好.只不知HXR-IFR5+AXS-R5的價格如何?期待Sony早日公布價錢.(目前已知AXS-R5要US$5350).
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