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[新品速報] 熟悉的發條聲發威,Digital Bolex推出2K RAW Digital Bolex 電影攝影機


發表於 2012-3-14 21:21:08 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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The Digital Bolex: The 1st Affordable Digital Cinema Camera

The Digital Bolex is a “digital cinema camera” or a camera that shoots RAW images (sometimes known as Digital Negatives) instead of compressed video. Unlike the digital cinema cameras used on big budget films, the Bolex is designed with consumers as well as pros in mind, and will be inexpensive, compact, and easy for anyone to use, just like the film cameras many of us remember using as kids.


So far we have a prototype and some great test footage, some of which you can see above, but we need your help to produce the first 100 cameras. It takes a lot of work put a production line together, and we can't do it alone. It's really expensive to buy the sensors, design the electronics, do the injection molding, developing the firmware, and do the tooling to put the camera together.

$100,000 is the bare minimum we need to produce the first batch of cameras. If we reach $200,000 we can include a suite of post-processing software with the camera package to manage RAW workflow. If we reach $250,000 we'll include an additional mount of your choice to anyone who buys a camera.

If the campaign is successful, the first 100 cameras will be available in August. After that, we’ll start taking pre-orders from the general public and the camera will be available in Fall.

All pledges help, but to make donating worth your time and money, we have some really cool incentives to offer, like these official Digital Bolex T-shirts (only available through Kickstarter), silkscreen fine art prints, and a branded, hand-crafted leather camera bag.

You can also be the first to own ONE SMALL STEP, the first film shot on the Digital Bolex.
Backing this project at the $2,500 level or above will GUARANTEE you one of the first 100 cameras produced. Serial numbers will be determined by pledge date, so pledge early!

Most video cameras (even expensive ones) shoot compressed footage, so that it takes up less space. The problem is that compressed footage, in order to make each frame more efficient, marries all your in camera settings (like white balance and contrast) to the video file being shot, which makes the shot difficult or impossible to manipulate in post without degrading image quality.

Think of the difference between a blocky, low-res JPEG image you find online, and a smooth high-res photographic print in a gallery. That’s the difference between compressed, normal video footage and RAW. It’s a big difference!

A RAW file saves a camera’s settings, but it doesn’t marry those settings to the file. That way you can change the color balance, contrast, highlights, shadows, white balance, and more all in post without any loss of quality. And because RAW is uncompressed, and the frames don’t rely on each others’ contents for efficiency, each frame stands alone, just like a film camera. (In a video file, each frame is designed to make the transition to the next frame as efficient as possible, so it can be hard to isolate a focused, clear image). Like a film camera, each RAW frame is of printable, photo quality.

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