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本文章最後由 neuHD 於 2012-4-16 20:38 編輯
...今年對我們來說真是忙碌的一年! 如果真要有一個產品來象徵去年的成績, 那一定是 Xtreamer Prodigy. 令人高興的是不單單只有這樣而已!
Xtreamer Sidewinder 3
即將取代Xtreamer Sidewinder 2的Xtreamer Sidewinder 3將會直接支援 3D HDMI 1.4與Android程式. Xtreamer Sidewinder 3將採用新的CPU 1186, 支援Android與3D影片播放, 並同時將以Android作為其次要的系統運作平台. 他的韌體將會與Prodigy非常相似.
就許多方面來說, Xtreamer Sidewinder 3可以算是Prodigy的精簡版本, 但在價格上卻更有優勢. 你仍可以恣意使用內建的2.5吋硬碟槽. USB WIFI天線為選購品, 如要使用無線網路則需另外購買該配件.
另外這個型號並不附HDMI線, 也並不支援DVB-T功能.
透過Xtreamer Sidewinder 3, 你可使用最新Realtek SDK所製作的韌體以及全新的各種功能. 這些功能在舊的Realtek平台上沒有辦法被完整支援.
升級版的Xtreamer Prodigy:
Xtreamer Prodigy
因著多樣化的硬體整合, 設計感與使用的便利性, Prodigy Silver獲得了無數的獎項與使用者的掌聲. 更加上Prodigy極高的性價比, 我們很自豪的將Prodigy做更進一步的產品進化.
Prodigy基本款: 不附Wi-Fi且不附DVB-T的版本. 使用者可以個別選購其他的配件. 先前在預購的時候我們已提供參加預購的客戶免費的Wi-Fi天線.
Prodigy Silver版本 – 內建有mini-PCIe 無線網路模組的Prodigy. Prodigy Silver版本價格將稍高於Prodigy基本款. Prodigy Silver版本也可以另外安裝DVB-T的模組.
而最高等級的版本, The Xtreamer Prodigy Black, 則以黑色做為其機身的顏色以區別. Prodigy Black擁有最完整的功能, 內建的Wi-Fi與DVB-T Dual Tuner.
所有的Prodigy系列均使用同樣的韌體, 差異點僅在硬體功能支援度的不同. 如果你的硬體沒有支援, 又或者你並不想使用DVB-T, 該功能也不會有它的果效的.
當韌體版本3最初被發佈的時候, 該韌體確實為一些韌體本身的小缺陷以及不成熟的bug所苦. 當這版韌體一開始被用來作為我們基於全新1186與Android平台設計的第一款產品的時候, 我們不得不在出貨時間與穩定度上優先選擇前者. 確實當時在許多方面韌體版本3需要更多的努力與修正以得到更好的穩定度. 我們當時是以聖誕假期前出貨與讓使用者第一時間使用新的Android平台為前提作優先考量. 在韌體版本3釋出的之後的幾個月, 我們陸續蒐集了許多使用者的反映, 回報, 想法與建議, 而即將在很短的時間內釋出一版全新的韌體版本給你的Xtreamer Prodigy. 在我們的韌體版本3.5, 我們將新增Youtube的AirPlay, 字幕瀏覽器功能, DVB-T連線功能, 針對電影與電視影集的多媒體自動封面預覽引擎, 以及整體多項改進的功能與執行速度. 在新增許多新功能的同時, 我們也會努力著眼並儘可能修正許多已存在的bugs. 這些讓你的Xtreamer Prodigy變得更好的工作並不會在韌體版本3.5結束甚至停止. 這些只不過是我們韌體開發進程的另外一個新的里程碑. 這個過程有時候需要我們不斷在嘗試與錯誤中學習並找出最好的答案.
“The Xtreamering community projects portal” 也將新增在韌體版本3.5內, 並將支援PHP, SQlite以及基於RSS的程式編碼.
在這即將發表的韌體版本3.5更新, 我們也將新增基於Shoutcase的完整網路電台平台. 此韌體版本3.5將免費提供下載更新. 韌體版本3.5釋出的時間大約會在2012年的4月. 當這個版本釋出之後我們便會著手進行次世代的韌體版本 4的工作.
由於先前型號的有限SDK資源, 以上提到的這些更新將只適用於1186 平台,包含Xtreamer Prodigy所有型號, 以及Xtreamer Sidewinder 3.
不論是韌體版本3,5 或是韌體版本4 均不會是最後版本的韌體,同時我們也沒有辦法保證任何一版韌體都是完全沒有bug的. 如同我們先前所提, 這每一版的韌體都將代表一個新的里程碑.
在新的平台上, 針對一些論壇的重要成員我們有提供並分享程式的原始碼. 現在我們深信當大量使用PHP與XML語言的同時, 這對熟悉Android系統的你們來說可以讓附加的程式與Apps發展得更多而且更好. 在此歡迎你們參與這個計畫, 更期待這樣的過程開啟你們多媒體視聽的全新體驗.
我們在新聞發佈區為了這個新韌體的訊息開了一個網頁. 這版韌體將著重並加強多媒體櫃的應用, 並強化的畫面的表現與顯示介面.
在這一版的更新我們仍會持續不斷的進行bug修正並改善裝置的整體效能. 我們希望能在這一版的韌體可以藉著 PHP所提供的後台讓裝置運作更符合潮流且功能更多.
Dear Friends & Community Members,
Happy New Year!
...and what a busy one it's been for us! If there were only one product for us to symbolize the last year it would be the release of Xtreamer Prodigy. Fortunately, that's not all that's happened!
We want to take this opportunity to announce you the launch of several new products and platforms.
Xtreamer Sidewinder 3
The Xtreamer Sidewinder 3 which will replace the Xtreamer Sidewinder 2 will now support 3D HDMI 1.4 and Android for the same price. This device gets new CPU 1186, Android, 3D playback capability and Android as supplementary platform. It is going to run very similar firmware to Prodigy.
In many aspects the Xtreamer Sidewinder 3 is a more compact version of the Prodigy for much lower price. You can still use an internal HDD, a 2.5" size and in order to use it with wireless network you will have to buy a USB WIFI antenna.
This model does not come with an HDMI cable nor will it support DVBT.
For this price you get the latest Realtek SDK based firmware and features. We could not achieve this on older platforms made by Realtek.
The Upgraded Xtreamer Prodigy models:
Xtreamer Prodigy
Where technology meets style..
The current Prodigy Silver, this design media player won already many awards due to the combination of hardware specifications, the design and the usability. Add to this to always competitive price of Prodigy and you know why we are proud of this unit and want to extend this model.
As of now we will have 3 models of Prodigy:
One with no internal WiFi and no DVBT. Users will be able to buy those at additional cost separately. We provided the clients of this product who purchased it from us a free antenna when Pre-Order was offered.
One which we call Silver edition - a Prodigy with a mini-PCIe Wireless LAN module. The price will be higher than the basic model. The clients of this product are welcome to order a DVB-T module.
And the ultimate model which was also be getting a black trim. The Xtreamer Prodigy Black which has it all. An internal WIFI + DVB-T dual Tuner.
All this products will run the same FW with the differences differencess of functionality. If you don't have or don't want to use DVB-T the function will not work for you anyway.
Read the above post for the firmware roadmap.
Firmware Roadmap:
When the FW 3 was initially announced, it suffered from some short-backs and immature bugs. When it was announced as part of the first product we based on our new platform 1186 and Android we had to make a decision to focus on delivery rather on stability. Indeed it needed additional work in order to gain more stability in many aspects. We did it with a view to meet Xmas shipments on time before the holiday while introducing you Android. In the month since the release we have collected many user reports, ideas and suggestions and will be very soon prepared to launch you a new firmware version for your Xtreamer Prodigy. In our firmware version 3.5 generation, we added AirPlay for Youtube, subtitle browser function, DVBt connectivity, media Jukebox engine for both movies and TV  series and overall improved functionality and speed. We aim to fix as many bugs as possible in the process while adding new functions along the way in the future. The process of making your products better will not end now nor it will stop at version 3.5. It is rather just another milestone in the roadmap of our firmware development. It's an intuitive process that sometimes requires us to work on trial and error basis.
The Xtreamering community projects portal will also be added in version 3.5 along the support to PHP, SQlite and RSS based coding.
In this coming update we also added a full Internet radio portal based on Shoutcast. The update will be offered to you for free download. Once launched we will head to our next generation version 4 which you can read about in the next section.
These updates will apply only to 1186 based products due to the limited resources of older devices. (Xtreamer Prodigy all models, Xtreamer Sidewinder 3).
Neither ver 3,5 nor ver 4 will be the final firmware and we can't promise to make then completely bug-free of perfect. As we said, these are just the milestones.
We shared the full source code of the new platform with some key members of the community, we know how well you can do with Android and now you will have also PHP and XML languages to work with on more exciting projects. You are all very welcome to take part in the process making your media library a greater experience.
Firmware version 4
We dedicated a section on the announcement page to this coming update. The focus will be better media library and better On-Screen Display.
We will continue to fix bugs and improve the device overall performance in this update. We hope we will be able to achieve by this update more modern and feature-rich PHP back-end to the device.