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[分享] videocopilot 即將推出 Element 3D Release Date!


發表於 2012-6-27 00:48:57 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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Our 3D object based plug-in for Adobe After effects known as Element 3D has an official release date! You know that little plug-in we’ve been working on that let’s you use real 3D objects as particles… well it’s finally ready for release!
Available here: JULY 10, 2012
I’ll be showing you everything there is to know about this plug-in and we hope you’ll see why it has taken so much hard work and more importantly, we hope you can see the amazing possibilities!
Some Technical Features: (tutorials and demonstrations coming soon)

  • Supports 3D Objects in 2 formats (OBJ and native C4D files)
  • Powerful particle based animation system.
  • Easily Extrude and Bevel Text and Mask shapes! Wait til you see how it works!
  • Powerful Custom User Interface. Surprise!
  • Compatible with After Effects CS3 and above (we built our own Open GL Render Engine!)
Creative Features list in the works! Thank you for your patience, we are truly excited!!
Price you ask? It will be announced soon!


發表於 2012-7-6 15:25:18 | 顯示全部樓層

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