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[求助] DLA X70 色溫調校問題


發表於 2013-9-5 09:43:38 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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去年有幸用3500美金從美國買了這台X70, 一路看到現在相當滿意。調整方面也用hcfr + avs hd 709 加上colormunki display 色度計來調整色溫與對比。結果相當滿意 對比穩定維持在2.19, 色溫大約與6500k 相符。就這樣看了200小時。
最近才想要動CMD的腦筋, 一測RGBCMY才發現藍色一整個偏紫,座標也與CIE藍色座標點偏差很多,偏向洋紅。其他顏色沒問題。
在調整色溫時,藍色是被大幅調低的,就算preset用到5500k再下去調,還是得降到-100, 我的數據如下,blue gain 大幅調降,這是主因,若調高到-20以內,藍色就回來了。
BTW 我的布幕是da lite 手拉席白(人在越南沒的挑)
color profile: cinema 1
color Temp.: custom
correction value 5500k
gain red: 0
gain green -20
gain blue -100
offset red -9
offset green 4
offset blue 13

另外我也在avs forum 提問,老外的回答如下,他認為是X70的問題,只能透過lumagen這類的影像處理器去調整色溫,但是如果偏差仍需大幅調整,仍會讓藍色偏紫。也就說"沒救"的意思囉  @@

This will sound harsh but I believe it is a design defect in the RS55's.
I had this happen to mine and nothing I tried would fix it. JVC told me I was "too picky". I have personal knowledge of at least 4 other RS55's with purple'ish blues and I'm semi-convinced that most, if not all, will eventually end up with purple blues.

What I did notice is that if you set all three gains to zero then blue becomes blue again. The problem with this is the WB is WAY off. But if you dial in a proper WB blue becomes purpleish as blue gain is reduced (my blue gain was -140 (vs your -100).......talk about purple mountains majesty....somehow though Clint Eastwood westerns look funny with purple skiies (oops, there I go again being "too picky"). Changing the lamp does not help.

I suggest you contact your dealer and discuss it with him. There is no way you should have to settle for purple blues with only 200 hours on the machine. I will also note that one (non-US) person had JVC tell him that the problem was NOT normal so maybe you'll have better luck with JVC USA at this point in time (other than being told you're "too picky").

You may be able to reduce the problem some if you have a Lumagen - leave all 3 gains set to 0 and correct WB in the Lumagen. This worked for one person but in my case there was too much correction needed to achieve a decent artifact free image. Your results may vary.....


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