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[業界新聞] 3D眼鏡的共通規格「M-3DI」


發表於 2011-3-29 20:06:26 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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新浪科技訊 北京時間3月29日上午消息,松下和3D技術供應商Xpand 3D今天聯合發佈了統一3D眼鏡標準倡議M-3DI, 目前它已經獲得了日立、三菱、優派和精工愛普生的支持。
  此次電視廠商聯合制定3D眼鏡標準的行為倒是和3D技術工作組(3D TWG)的工作直接衝突,後者由消費電子協會支持,並在很早之前就開始標準的制定,但是直到現在也沒有獲得各廠商的公開支持。雖然M-3DI目前還沒有獲得三星、索尼、LG等重量級電視廠商的支持,但支持該標準的成員數量增長迅速。


消息來源    http://tech.sina.com.cn/it/2011-03-29/10335344108.shtml

發表於 2011-3-29 20:47:22 | 顯示全部樓層

A 3D TV Glasses Standard, Finally?
Panasonic and XPAND launch a new standard for active shutter glasses.
March 28, 2011 | by Grant Clauser

Years from now, will people look back at this date as a defining moment in the great 3D wars?

Probably not, but it’s interesting still, and a good thing for consumers if it takes off.

Panasonic—which makes 3D plasmas, has a 3D production unit in Hollywood and uses active shutter glasses for its 3D TVs—has announced , along with XPAND—a company that makes active shutter 3D glasses—a new 3D glasses standard called M-3DI. This standard is supposed to bring a new era of interoperability among 3D TVs and commercial theaters.

Panasonic and XPAND aren’t going it alone. They’ve brought along technology companies including Changhong Electric, FUNAI (makers of Philips TVs), Hisense, Hitachi Consumer Electronics Co., Ltd., Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Seiko Epson, SIM2 and ViewSonic Corporation.

Companies will be able to license the M-3DI technology next month. The basic concept is this—with a standard, prices should fall, confusion will lesson, people will be able to take their glasses to their friends’ houses or their local Cineplex without worry about compatibility. There are about 3,500 commercial theaters that use XPAND active glasses (according to XPAND’s web site), but most of them are not in the US.

Commenting on the standard, XPAND 3D Chief Executive Officer Maria Costeira noted, “M-3DI eliminates confusion, provides a strong, uniform performance standard and ensures that manufacturers can concentrate on innovation and consumers can count on interoperability.”

This is great first step, but it’s just a little step and missing a lot of elements, namely Samsung, Sony, Toshiba, Sharp, LG …

Oh, yes, LG Display, the company bringing that other standard—Frame Pattern Retarter, also known as FPR or passive polarized glasses. Only a few companies (including LG, Toshiba and Visio) have plans to market passive-polarized 3D TVs, the company is trying hard to win over others. The main benefits of passive glasses are that they’re cheap (about $10), and they work in most commercial theaters (but not the XPAND theaters).

The Consumer Electronics Association also wants a standard, at least a standard for active shutter glasses that use infra red technology for their wireless signals (new Samsung glasses use Bluetooth), so CEA will likely be taking a close look at this.

XPAND already markets what it calls universal glasses, so it’s not a surprise to see the company get behind an initiative to make universality official. The fact that so many of the other major TV makers haven’t joined hands in this is troubling, but that’s how format wars go.  Stay tuned.
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發表於 2011-4-4 06:16:21 | 顯示全部樓層

3Dメガネ共通規格「M-3DI」策定。映画館と家庭で共用 -パナソニック/XPANDが提案。通信信号を共通化

パナソニックとX6D Limited(XPAND 3D)は、3Dアクティブシャッターメガネの普及を目指し、3Dメガネ共通規格「M-3DI」を策定した。パナソニックやXPANDのほか、三菱や日立など10社が同規格をサポートすることで合意。4月初めよりM-3DI License Agentから同規格に基づく関連技術のライセンス提供を開始する。
  • パナソニック
  • XPAND 3D
  • 長虹(Changhong Electric)
  • 船井電機
  • 海信(Hisense)
  • 日立コンシューマエレクトロニクス
  • 三菱電機
  • セイコーエプソン
  • SIM2 Multimedia
  • ViewSonic


M-3DI 官方網站(英文) http://www.m-3di.com/
ref: http://av.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/20110329_435783.html
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發表於 2011-4-12 14:39:06 | 顯示全部樓層
passive glasses are much better, I have a few pair at home for going to cinema, just waiting to buy new tv
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