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Want to setup new PC for photo and video edit..video conversion and connect to Sony 46" LCD, don't play 3D game and don't 超頻
Expertise pls help and comment
CPU : Intel Q9450 , will not use AMD CPU
Board : Asus P5E, any other ASUS broad suggest ? X48 or P45 ?
Ram : DDR 2 4 G 1066 , which brand is better and stable.. no need 超頻
Hardisk : Waiting for new WD 10000 rpm hardisk for system boot plus existing 2 x 1T hardisks
Display : No idea as i don't play 3D game.... but i need good 2D and Video play quality, pls suggest...
Power : 2 the max XG 740 or GPX 750, which one is better?
Case : OriginAE 16V
Thanks a lot ...... |