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[下載] Xtreamer Prodigy/ SideWinder 3 韌體 Ver 3.5 RC版/ RC2/ RC6/ RC8版本 Release/ 2012 年 4


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本文章最後由 neuHD 於 2012-5-22 15:11 編輯

Xtreamer Prodigy Firmware v3.5.jpg

Xtreamer官網釋出了針對Realtek 1186,
Xtreamer Prodigy新韌體V3.5RC可下載的訊息,

Xtreamer官網再度釋出了V3.5 RC2,
且修正了若干V3.5 RC上的問題,


Xtreamer Prodigy 韌體 V3.5 RC: Xtreamer_Prodigy_Version_35RC
Xtreamer Prodigy 韌體 V3.5 RC2: Xtreamer_Prodigy_Version_35RC2
Xtreamer SideWinder 3 韌體 V3.5RC2: Xtreamer_SideWinder_3_Version_35RC2

本篇並包含3.5RC的Release Note,
Improvements以及Bug Fix的翻譯,

Xtreamer Prodigy 韌體 V3.5RC 版


(1) 電影海報瀏覽與引擎.
(2) 無需任何第三方電腦軟體即可取得電影資訊與封面海報
(3) 可使用 TrueType 自型改變系統字體. 你可以輕鬆改變整個系統字體成你喜歡的樣式
(4) 全新的畫面控制選單, 包含 Zoom (畫面放大縮小), GOTO (前往), Subtitle (字幕) 與 INFO (影片資訊) 等介面
(5) 當影片正在播放時可使用新的影片控制功能 (Trickplay)
(6) 檔案瀏覽與整體運作流暢度的提升
(7) 在所有多媒體檔案觀賞模式下提供更多的系統資訊
(8) 提供檔案大小與硬碟容量大小資訊
(9) 完整的高畫質線上即時串流影片內容
(10) 許多新的系統核心Many new system core 套件包含 python, perl 以及 OpenSSL
(11) 與電腦的檢索軟體相容, 包含 Thumbgen 以及 Ember Media Manager
(12) 家長資料夾控制功能與密碼鎖
(13) 可個別選擇觀賞模式播放單一資料夾
(14) 媒體櫃的平滑捲動功能
(15) 從縮圖模式展開到海報尺寸功能的功能最佳化
(16) 從預覽模式轉換到 Fanart 標準尺寸的最佳化
(17) 對未來韌體的新增與進階功能的韌體編寫
(18) 新的系統工具列並包含更多的功能
(19) 針對由右自左書寫的系統語言顯示修正 (阿拉伯文與希伯來文)
(20) 許多系統的臭蟲修正


Xtreamer Prodigy Firmware Version 3.5RC

What's new in this firmware?

(1) Movie Jukebox Functionality and Engine.
(2) The Ability to get the movie info and posters without requiring any PC software.
(3) System TrueType Font change functionality. You can now easily change the entire system font.
(4) Entire new On Screen Display for Zoom, GOTO, Subtitle and INFO screens.
(5) New TrickPlay while movies are playing
(6) Smoother performance and file navigation
(7) More system info in all media sources view modes
(8) File size and HDD size
(9) Integral live streaming content optimized to HD
(10) Many new system core packages such as python, perl and OpenSSL
(11) Compatibility to PC Scraping software such as Thumbgen and Ember Media Manager.
(12) Parental Control with Folder Password Lock
(13) The ability to Play a Folder in all view modes
(14) Scroller in Media Library
(15) Optimization of Thumbnail view mode to poster sizes
(16) Optimization of Preview mode to Fanart standard sizes.
(17) Infrastructure for future growth and enhanced functionality.
(18) New System Indicator Bar with more functions.
(19) Language Fixes for Right to Left languages (Arabic and hebrew)
(20) Many system bug fixes.

Xtreamer Prodigy 韌體 V3.5 RC2 版


我們新增了從電影海報瀏覽可以刪除電影的功能. 只要按下遙控器的"0"鍵即可.


NFS通訊協定的優化. 仍然需要更多的微調.

修正了libcurl 的問題. 現在讓 xlive 與 xlistplay 運作你將不再需要執行 install_prodigy.php 或 libcurlfix.php.


* 我們修正了當USB無線 Wi-Fi 連接時電源關閉的問題. 我們希望這個修正可以幫助我們解決電影海報資料庫消失的問題, 如同從你們之中的一些人所回報的一樣.

* 我們修正了海報瀏覽的篩選功能. 現在系統可以儲存已選擇的篩選狀況.


What's new in this firmware

We added the ability to delete a movie from the jukebox. Simply press on the remote control on button key "0"


Optimized NFS. Still needs more fine-tuning

Fixed the libcurl issue. Now you dont need to run the install_prodigy.php or libcurlfix.php to make the xlive and xlistplay work

Bugs fixed

* We fixed the power off issue when usb wifi is connected. we hope this issue will help us solve the disappearing jukebox database as was reported by some of you

* We fixed the filter function in the Jukebox. now it can remember the filter status that was selected.

 樓主| 發表於 2012-4-16 20:31:41 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 neuHD 於 2012-4-17 00:21 編輯

Introducing Xtreamer firmware version 3.5.jpg


Introducing Xtreamer firmware version 3.5

A new level of media player experience with internal Movie Jukebox & GUI experience like you have never seen before!

Xtreamer Prodigy & SideWinder3 Ver 3.5 firmware is a result of a massive effort being done by our R&D teams and our community for the past 4 months. We built and optimized an entirely new Engine that will allow you to navigate your media collection on a movie info and poster based system. We believe that once you will try it you will be able to experience a new level of synergy of HD & Internet content. Very much the same way it is done on HTPC environment, on ver 3.5 you get a faster, simpler and more elegant user experience without all the headache of pre-processing your media on a computer.
PC-free Jukebox setup
Setting up the Xtreamer Ver 3.5 Jukebox is easy:

  • Select a folder with movies  or any movie file on the device TV GUI / Media sources
  • Press 6 (Menu) to GET MOVIE INFO
  • Choose a a Plug in scraper and method
  • Done
  • Press INFO on a movie folder or a movie file to see the result
  • Navigate your media on a Jukebox Layout once the folder was scanned and the Info was successfully generated
  • We retained a full compatibility to PC Software in case you need more scrapers (Thumbgen, Ember media manager)

Integrated JukeBox

Keeping things as similar to XBMC.
Movie Jukebox mechanism, that is now part of the Prodigy & SideWinder3 firmware, means you will from now be able to navigate your media collection on a content orientation rather than only storage path related navigation. While most of our competitors offer you a device that allow you to navigate your files in relation to where they are physically stored, ver 3.5 allow you to scan your movie collection and navigate through your collection on their content. You will be able to search for DRAMA or COMEDY, get a synopsis while the movie is played or any moment before, and enjoy various new layouts that will turn your device to be more fun and easier to handle. We focused on simplicity, its reliability, and its ease of use. We tried to elevate your expected common daily practices on a PC to be an amazing experience on TV.

The Movie Jukebox allows you to toggle varias view modes to display your movies by posters. When the user will select [Moviejukebox] on the home screen, he will be able to navigate 6 filters his movie collection based on rich graphical interface.

By pressing the [2] button on the remote control the user will be able to change the screen layout to be based on 27 (3x9) movies posters thumbnails in a givven time.

Very much the same way as XBMC, the Xtreamer Jukebox allows you to navigate your media collection on a hybrid view mode that displays both the movie poster and the movie info in the same time, while the fanart is shown in the background. We call it Multiplex view mode.

While the movie is playing or even before, the user will be able to present the movie generated meta data by pressing the [info] button on the remote control to display the movie information on top of the video.

The Jukebox inferstructure allow you to genarate links for trailers, and navigate your movie collection, even inside the movie information panel.

The Jukebox inferstructure allow you to genarate links for trailers, and navigate your movie collection, even inside the movie information panel.

Fetching The Movie Info
An All on TV based process.
Unlike any other media player or streamer in the market that offers a jukebox we rather wanted to focus on  simplicity, reliability and ease of use. The Process of adding to your movies a generated information, posters and fan arts is done without you having to do it on a PC before hand. While if you will make prior scanning and fetching process on a special software on a PC it will still work and the result will be shown on your device, we rather prefer you to do all in a few click on the remote control while you are not away from your tv and your device.
All you have to do is make you sure your device is connected to the internet and that you press 6 (MENU) on folder with movies. We recommend you to keep every movie on a separate folder. You can Initiate the process on a movie file itself not only on folders with movie. Once done, it will be self explanatory as described in the images below.

Once you will press on your remote control on Button 6 [MENU] you will see we have added a new item at the top of the shown popup screen - called GET MOVIE INFO. This button is oriented to the movie or folder you focused.

Clicking on GET MOVIE INFO will show you the next step in process. You will be asked on the shown popup to select a scraper plugin which is the source of where you want the device to bring the information as to your movies and the method it should use. You can scan a folder with 1 movie or a folder with many movies inside. As per each movie a poster, movie info and fan art will be generated and stored inside the folder. We reccomend you to keep each movie on its own folder. We recommend you to make sure your movies and folder to be named with a "clean" name without all the many strange name convention applied in warez world.

The Process of scanning and generating a movie info as per each of your movie will start upon your request. You can sit back and see the generated results being automatically shown on the screen. Later you will be able of course to edit it as per each movie or as per folder. You can send the process to be done in the background.

The Jukebox engine will allow you to select from various posters resulted from your movie name query on the scraper plugin site .Please note that each movie can result with various posters or none. This is related to the scraper plugin you have selected. Each scraper will probably result in different options for you to choose from.

The Jukebox engine allow you to refine your search query for the scraper plugin without renaming the file itself. You will be able to fix this way any movie info and get the graphical result you prefer.

System TrueType Font Changing
Better Look & Feel
Version 3.5 introduce you to a new mechanism that allows you to change the system entire font with a click of a button.
Simply copy a .TTF font file to folder and press ENTER on the font file. The system font will change the entire system look and feel.


Entire new On Screen Display
More Stylish System Control.
We abandoned realtek SDK look and feel for a more stylish system on screen experience. We have improved the ZOOM, GOTO, TIME SKIP, VOLUME and SUBTITLE interaction with the user.


Xtreamer Live
Keeping things as you familiar with from your PC.
Thousands of live internet movie clips and music now integrated DsaPac, a member of our community, with the help of many valuable members in our forums, have created a spectacular project that allow you to enjoy thousands of sources for online streaming content. In Ver 3.5 we have integrated this project into the base firmware for an easier experience. Just Enable it in the system services Settings menu and accept the disclaimer terms.


Many system improvements and bug fixes
More Mature and stable system firmware.
The Xtreamer version 3.5 is in many aspects based on the successful open communication we have with our members of the community. For the past 4 months we have collected their bug reports, suggestions and wishes and introducing you the result. We believe that you will notice the enhanced system reliability, its ease of use and speed improvmenet the moment you upgrade your system. From little things like adding navigation scroller to big things like system font we tried to elevate your expected common daily practices to be an amazing experience on TV. Here are just a few examples of how your Xtreamer Prodigy & SideWinder3 experience was fine-tuned.

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 樓主| 發表於 2012-4-16 20:33:17 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 neuHD 於 2012-4-16 23:11 編輯

Watch The Prodigy Ver 3.5 in Action.jpg

實際觀賞 Xtreamer Prodigy 韌體 V3.5版的介面與操作

Watch The Prodigy Ver 3.5 in Action

A new level of media player experience with internal Movie Jukebox & System on screen control like you have never seen before!

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 樓主| 發表於 2012-4-16 21:54:58 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 neuHD 於 2012-4-16 23:22 編輯

What\'s Next.jpg




(1) 新增全自動字幕擷取引擎
(2) 新增進階海報瀏覽檔案標籤 (已觀賞, 封鎖等等)
(3) 針對電視影集與音樂的海報瀏覽功能擴充
(4) 媒體櫃介面的改版, 包含新的設計與功能
(5) 海報瀏覽資料庫的使用者控制
(6) 資訊隨行機制
(7) 新增更多的海報瀏覽外掛索引
(8) 修正臭蟲並改善系統穩定度


Whats next?

This version will allow us to continue to further enhance the system in several aspects

In Future firmware we plan to:

(1) Add Automatic Subtitle Fetching engine
(2) Add advanced Jukebox file Tagging (viewed, locked etc)
(3) Enhance the jukebox for TV series and Music.
(4) Media Library make over with new design and functionalities.
(5) User controlled jukebox database.
(6) Info on the go mechanism.
(7) Add more scraper plugins for the jukebox.
(8) Fix bugs and improve system stability.

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 樓主| 發表於 2012-4-16 21:56:30 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 neuHD 於 2012-4-17 00:15 編輯

How to Upgrade.jpg


安裝前僅需下載並複製 install.img 到USB隨身碟的最上層.

* 在你的 Xtreamer Prodigy上, 以拔掉電源接頭為方式關閉電源, 時間維持數秒鐘.
* 插回電源接頭, 但此時不要打開機器的電源.
* 將USB隨身碟插在機器背後面板的USB槽.
* 當機器處於關機的狀態, 長按電源按鈕 (壓住按鈕不放開) 約10秒鐘以上 (你會發現藍色LED燈將會開啟, 此時繼續壓住電源按鈕不放, 直到電源顯示LED燈號熄滅為止).
* 當LED燈號熄滅以後, 姆指可以將電源按鈕放開, 之後韌體會自動開始更新到結束.

當更新正在進行時不要關閉機器的電源. 在本次的更新時間將比較長, 需耐心等候. 如你於更新中關閉電源你將會讓你的機器變磚且我們無法提供保固內的免費維修. 如果你不確定怎麼做請什麼都不要做..



在此次的更新我們希望你當更新正在進行時注意電視的螢幕指示. 當你開始了韌體更新 (這可能將花費數分鐘),  你需等待韌體更新過程從開始到結束, 直到 "Installation complete" 訊息出現為止.
當看到該訊息之後, 你才可以將USB隨身碟從機器上移除, 之後系統將會重新啟動.
如你不在系統重新啟動完成前移除USB隨身碟, 則Xtreamer live 套件將會安裝在你的USB上, 而不是在你的內建硬碟裡.

在你看到電視螢幕顯示 "Installation complete" 訊息之前, 千萬絕對不要從機器上拔掉USB隨身碟.


How to Upgrade

To install just download and copy install.img to the root of a USB stick.
* Go to your Prodigy, turn it off by unplugging the power cord for few sec.
* Put the cord back but do not power the machine on.
* Plug the USB stick to a USB port at the back panel.
* When the machine is OFF press the power button for about 10 sec (you will see that the blue LED light is turning on but still keep your finger pressed on the power button until the power LED is turned off).
* When the LED is off you can release your finger and let it start flash the firmware.

Do not power off the machine while the update process is taking place. BE PATIENT IT WILL TAKE LONGER TIME THAN NORMAL IN THIS UPDATE. If you do you will brick your device and we will not honor it as RMA. If you are not sure what you are doing just dont do it.


Important note

With this update we ask you to watch out the TV screen while you perform the update. Once you start the process (that may take few long minutes) wait for the "Installation complete" message to appear in the end of the update process.
This will be the time you will need to remove the USB stick from the device before the device will boot.
Otherwise the Xtreamer live package will be installed in your USB and not to your internal HDD.

Do not remove the USB a single second before you will see the installation complete message shown on your TV screen.

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 樓主| 發表於 2012-4-16 22:07:42 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 neuHD 於 2012-4-16 23:39 編輯

Which Model.jpg


這個韌體版本僅供我們基於Realtek 1186所設計的機型所使用..
Xtreamer Prodigy, Xtreamer Prodigy Silver (銀), Xtreamer Prodigy Black (黑) 的使用者可以從以上的連結下載相關的韌體使用.

一樣, Xtreamer SideWinder 3 的使用者可以從以上的連結下載韌體.

請注意: 此韌體無法在以下的型號更新與運作: Xtreamer MK1/ Xtreamer Sidewinder, Sidewinder 2, iXtreamer, Xtreamer DVD , Xtreamer Ultra 1, Xtreamer Ultra 2 , Xtreamer Pro 以及 Xtreamer Elvira.


Which model?

This Firmware version is made available to our 1186 based machines only.
Users of Xtreamer Prodigy, Prodigy Silver, Prodigy Black can download this fie from the provided link.

Users of Xtreamer SideWinder 3 can download this fie from the provided link.

Please note: This firmware will not run on Xtreamer MK1/ Xtreamer Sidewinder, Sidewinder 2, iXtreamer, Xtreamer DVD , Xtreamer Ultra 1 or Xtreamer Ultra 2 and Xtreamer Pro or the Xtreamer Elvira.

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 樓主| 發表於 2012-4-16 22:49:40 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 neuHD 於 2012-4-17 00:02 編輯

Xtreamer Prodigy 韌體更新教學影片導覽

Xtreamer Prodigy Firmware Installation Video Guide

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 樓主| 發表於 2012-5-22 15:09:45 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 neuHD 於 2012-5-22 15:12 編輯

Xtreamer Prodigy RC6 韌體版本釋出




Ver 3,5 Release Candidate 6

Dear Friends,

We are happy to announce you version 3.5 RC6 for your Xtreamer Prodigy

Please note: we added xListplay project to the firmware but due to some recent change made in Youtube base code the project is not working and Wencas is working on a fix.

What's new in this firmware?
* Added XlistnPlay Music Project. You will find a new item in APPS in your Home Screen. Please note that this project is not working due to a last minute change made in youtube. Wait for a Fix.
* Added several new scrapers based on the CFSD project. (Thanks to the efforts made by vPeter and Martin Jaburek )
* BDMV structure for Jukebox added

* You can now delete Movie info from Jukebox using the button 8 in the remote control . Once pressed you will be prompted with a popup screen asking for confirmation.
* Video setting icons Added
* Background UI to XT style added
* Ability to scroll pages in Jukebox by pressing page Up&Down buttons.
* Font is slightly bigger in Jukebox Info pane.
* We moved the info bar a little above and made wordings description slightly bigger
* Aded new method to jukebox scrape engine. The info will be created according to the OSD language.
TMDB supports several languages like FR/ES/DE/IT and this plugin will work only for TDMDB .
* We modified the descriptions of the audio settings.
* Many Core languages and base-packages were compiled inside the linux Kernel. Python, Perl were added amongst many others. Please consult THJ for full details of his wonderful App Installer Project.

Bugs fixed
* FIXED - Jukebox database is gone after reboot. -
We changed the way and timing the engine write the database file. We hope this is solved and over.
We are monitoring this issue.
* FIXED - Movie name containing some character ( "&" " . " etc) cannot be deleted.
* FIXED - device is shutting down after screen saver is activated during scraping.
* FIXED - when a poster does not exist, Show Timer kills itsel
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-5-22 15:14:41 | 顯示全部樓層
Xtreamer Prodigy RC8 韌體版本釋出



Ver 3,5 Release Candidate 8

We are happy to announce you a new version 3.5 revision for your xtreamer prodigy.

This is going to be one of the last release candidate for version 3.5 as we already have a list of many new function and surprises waiting to be implemented in version 4 and version 5.

Please note : In this version Hebrew GUI is broken. We will fix this in next release in a matter of 1 day or so .

What's new in this firmware?
*  Lips Sync
* GUI improved for ver 4
*  Auto-play functionality. Now you are able to let the device start with your own selected files.
* Preferred Audio Language option added

* We have tried again to fix the Arabic subtitles. In this version arabic subtitle LTR new option was added.
* French, Finnish, Korean new string table was modified and improved
* We removed the Bittorent from System Services. PLease use Transmission

Bugs fixed
* MAC Address changed by the system - fixed
*  IDX/SUB subtitles files freezing the system - fixed
* Wrong Timezone displayed - fixed
* Copying from a USB source causes reboot - fixed

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 樓主| 發表於 2012-5-22 15:16:28 | 顯示全部樓層
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-9-13 03:58:59 | 顯示全部樓層
Xtreamer Prodigy RC10 韌體下載載點:



我們一直在開發的固件1186為基礎的模型在幾個不同的方向。在此版本中,我們也正在努力改善和提高了Realtek DVB-T解決方案。很快你也可以來測試的第一個公測版本4。更多驚喜即將到來。


Dear Friends and Xtreamer enthusiasts,

We have been developing the firmware for our 1186-based models in several different directions. In addition to this release, we are also working to improve and enhance the Realtek DVB-T solution. And very soon you will also be able to test the first open beta for version 4. More surprises are coming soon.

Please note: If you had an issue on previous RC releases with files "disappearing" from the UI, it might be a good idea to run an check-disk scan on your internal and external HDD's before and after you install the update.

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 樓主| 發表於 2012-9-13 04:00:32 | 顯示全部樓層
Xtreamer SideWinder 3 RC10 韌體下載點:

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新視聽夏季器材推薦 - 史上最精確、聲道數最多、最暴力的環繞擴大機 :StormAudio ISR Fusion 20
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新視聽夏季器材推薦 - 史上最精確、聲道數最多、最暴力的環繞擴
丹爸影音實驗室之中置揚聲器「遊記」 前言 幾乎所有玩劇院的

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