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[新品速報] BlackMagic推出自家攝影機 Cinema Camera


發表於 2012-4-17 01:54:55 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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Blackmagic Cinema Camera
We have been thinking hard about cameras and some of the limitations in quality that video cameras run into. Working with DaVinci color grading has only made these limitations more noticeable.
Some of the reasons why video cameras look like "video" is because they have limited contrast range, are limited to HD resolutions, use heavy compression for file recording, have poor quality lenses and of course they don't integrate into NLE software with metadata management.
We decided to address these problems by developing a camera that provides feature film quality in an extremely compact portable design.
The Blackmagic Cinema Camera includes a super wide 13 stops of dynamic range, large 2.5K sensor, integrated SSD recorder that has the bandwidth to capture CinemaDNG RAW, ProRes and DNxHD files, integrated capacitive touchscreen LCD for direct metadata entry, standard jack audio connectors, refrigerated sensor and it's fully compatible with EF and ZF mount lenses.
The Blackmagic Cinema Camera also includes SDI and Thunderbolt connectors and it comes with a full copy of DaVinci Resolve and UltraScope software. Imagine plugging in your laptop for on set grading and scopes!
The 13 stops of dynamic range is one of the most important reasons why this camera looks like film. Often people focus on more pixels, but that is just a larger video image. The real way to get film quality is to capture a wide contrast range to retain more detail in the black and white levels of the image. Then once you color grade the images, it looks amazing! Combined with amazing EF and ZF lenses, the result is a true film look!
Of course the quality is killed if you compress the images when recording them, so we built in an SSD recorder. That means you get the recording speed you need to record the full 2.5K RAW sensor data into completely uncompressed CinemaDNG files. This means you get all the detail and quality of the sensor.
No files on this camera are custom in any way and this is the first camera that’s designed to make the whole post production process simple. It records into CinemaDNG format for RAW files, and DNxHD or ProRes for HD resolution files compatible with Avid Media Composer and Apple Final Cut Pro.
You can play back all recorded files on the LCD, and there is a built-in microphone and speaker for reviewing audio. Of course you will want to plug in high quality audio into the standard jack connectors and the audio is always recorded uncompressed for highest quality.
The integrated LCD has a touchscreen and when tapped, a window called the "slate" appears where you can type in shot information just like typing on a smartphone. This is then recorded into the file as metadata in the Final Cut Pro X and DaVinci Resolve format. Common data like shot number can auto increment to save time.
You can also change camera settings on this touch LCD, such as frame rate, shutter angle, color temperature, dynamic range, focus assist settings and more. The SDI output also has overlays showing you all the camera data when monitoring on set, and even the same data when playing back recorded files!
The design is machined from a solid block of aluminum and looks amazing. It’s strong, very compact and designed to be easily hand held. I am still amazed we have fitted all this into such a small design, when normally features like RAW recorders and monitoring can be optional extras on cinema cameras.
A cinematographer friend of ours, John Brawley, has been working with the camera for the last few weeks. He's shot some test clips in the process of working out what the camera’s capabilities are and we have posted them online for your to see. Even though some of them are just hand held test shots near John’s house, they are still great to see as examples of what’s creatively possible. Remember to select HD when viewing them!
We expect to start shipping in volume in July for $2,995.

1. sensor 有 2.5K  
2. 13 stop 的dynamic range (與現的EPIC差不多)  
3. 內建觸控螢幕
4. 內建SSD記錄器
5. 可錄CinemaDNG format for RAW files, and DNxHD or ProRes
6. 有SDI及Thunderbolt介面
7. 可使用 EF 及ZF鏡頭
8. 隨機附送 DaVinci Resolve(這真是太酷了)
9. 只賣$2995美元(這真是...無法形容)

真是一顆震撼彈, 終於看到了低價的電影機了...

發表於 2012-4-17 02:50:40 | 顯示全部樓層
bcmmlu 動作也真快!!

BlackMagic 也加入攝影機設計生產的戰局

2.5k (2432×1366)解像度, 13級Dynamic Range (Canon 5D MK II/III 約為11級), 影像規格數據上已經比DSLR還強勁, 再加上能對應EF/ F 接環, 不僅可用Canon EF 或 Nikon鏡頭, 而且更能夠電子操控光圈、感光元件為16.64×14.04mm (Super 35mm 的為12.52×7.41mm, Panasonic GH-2 的為 19×10.5mm)


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發表於 2012-4-17 03:02:18 | 顯示全部樓層
Blackmagic Cinema Camera – Let’s take it from the top

http://johnbrawley.wordpress.com ... ke-it-from-the-top/
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發表於 2012-4-17 10:53:19 | 顯示全部樓層
業務機的功能, 家用機的價格??

價格真是有夠低, 難怪會興奮睡不著,
希望品質有達到預期, 否則又會睡不著了.
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發表於 2012-4-17 13:08:21 | 顯示全部樓層

Sensor Size        16.64 mm x 14.04 mm

感光原件差不多micro four thrid的大小? 比較現在的super35是有點落了一點

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發表於 2012-4-19 01:37:59 | 顯示全部樓層
Blackmagic Cinema Camera 中文介紹

Blackmagic Design 亞太區經理 Richard Lim 為 DV Asia 的觀眾介紹 Blackmagic Design 公司在 2012 年 NAB 所發表的 Blackmagic Cinema Camera

FER: http://www.dv-asia.com

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