Picture Mill Opening sequence of 'I, Robot'. Lenscare was used to integrate CG and live footage elements.
(n.a.) | (28mb) Picture Mill Pitch contribution for the title sequence of 'Van Helsing'. KDLAB Commercial for Nintendo.
RealtimeUK Namco's Console game Street Racing Syndicate. Animations can be found on their website. RealtimeUK 3D music video for the debut single of 'Digital Diva' named 'Heaven and Hell'. Taron End sequence of George Michael's 'Freeek'. Done during Taron's time at CafeFX. (467kb) | (n. a.)
CafeFX (ex ComputerCafe) Three scenes done for the movie 'Imposter'. By courtesy of Dimension Films. (n. a.) | (3.4mb) Dronez.de Short film by Leif Arne Petersen, Alexander Hupperich, Manuel Macha & Paul Dreisen, students of the German Film School. Nozon (post production) A thrilling little ad clip. Takes massive advantage of Lenscare's d.o.f. abilities. (3.0mb) | (n. a.)
Lewis A real racer, provided by and copyright by Elvis Blazencic a.k.a. Lewis. (762kb) | (n. a.) Grid Nice images, supplied by Grid (mail). Good example for Lenscare's d.o.f. abilities.
R.T. Hasbrouck Pleasanton, CA Nice image of Harrod's in London and a good demostration of highlights.
blur' comparison. Philipp Sp飆h Just a blur applied to a photo giving some nice results.