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[業界新聞] ARMADA 1500 Ultra(88DE3218)


發表於 2015-6-21 21:13:55 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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The ARMADA 1500 Ultra is a comprehensive multimedia SoC solution enabling global set-top box manufacturers and PayTV operators to accelerate mass deployment of cost-effective Ultra HD devices. It offers a complete platform solution for operators, providing support for video SoCs, Wi-Fi and Internet of Things services. Marvell’s leading video processing IP includes an enhanced Qdeo™ Video Processor that addresses the Ultra HD content services being launched by PayTV operators for an immersive TV experience. With its quad-core ARM A53 64-bit CPU and 51 GFLOP GPU, the ARMADA 1500 Ultra’s innovative architecture combines impressive processing power in an astonishingly small package, that is four times smaller than other SoCs on the market, enabling powerful and aesthetically appealing compact STB designs. The SoC also features a sophisticated security processor supporting leading CAS solutions from Verimatrix to meet the strict standards of service operators and content partners, building on Marvell’s legacy of supporting the first Android STB with conditional access systems (CAS).

With its 64-bit ARM CPU, Marvell is the first silicon provider to bring the 64-bit ARM architecture both to the mobile and the PayTV segments, thereby enabling the unification of the application developer ecosystem.

  • 2160p60 10 bit HEVC & VP9 Video Decode + 1080 PiP + Trancoding:  Decoding Highest Resolution Video that operators will be use s the centerpiece of services that consumers will demand with mass installment of 4K TVs over the next few years.
  • Up to 14K DMIPs (1.5 GHz) Quad Core ARM A53 64-bit CPU: Enables operator to deploy rich media/web based TV applications and Android TV services for enhanced viewing experience with lower power profiles.
  • 8 core GPU, 8 shader Vivante GC7000XS:  Powerful GPU needed for Android gaming apps that Service Providers will be rolling.
  • Robust Security Engine:  Security features to support evolving strict guidelines for Premium Content Broadcast include Trustzone integration and support for 4K Video Watermarking.
The ARMADA 1500 Ultra is the ideal SoC platform solution for Android Set Top Boxes.

晶片製造商Marvell正式發佈了一款旗艦級系統級單晶片Armada 1500 Ultra,該解決方案針對機頂盒設計,號稱主打未來主流4K視頻解碼和圖像處理。
Marvell Armada 1500 Ultra88DE3218)是一枚8核心的64位處理器,內部擁有8個頻率達到1.5GHzRM Cortex-A53 CPU 內核,並集成了8核的Vivante GC7000XS圖形處理器單元(GPU)。
Marvell介紹稱,Armada 1500 Ultra支持硬解HEVCVP9編碼的4K3840×2160像素)視頻,每秒60幀,支持1080p PiP(畫中畫)。其GPU帶有硬體曲面細分和幾何著色器,支持OpenGLS ES 3.1Android Extension Pack其餘支持還包括USB 3.0、千兆網口、Wi-Fi 802.11ac、藍牙、eMMC 5.04GB RAM
更重要的是,Armada 1500 Ultra內置Qdeo視頻處理技術。相信很多影音發燒友對Qdeo並不陌生,該技術號稱可不依賴視頻來源而提供一致的高質量視頻輸出,保證清晰度和精確性。技術上提供壓縮失真、降噪、隔行去鋸齒、非線性縮放映射、ACE對比度增強、ICE色彩重映射、NDE細節增強和消除8位視頻輪廓線等功能,實現更加逼真、自然和超強的視頻效果。
前兩年很火的Chromecast採用的就是Marvell Armada 1500 mini處理器。

ARMADA_1500_Ultra_ product-brief.pdf (277.75 KB, 下載次數: 9)

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