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Perfect Player Android version features
Set-top box (STB) advanced IPTV/Media-player Nice semi-transparent OSD menus and infos for easy and pleasant watching videos with minimum user actions Multilanguage support
Albanian, Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Kurdish, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
IPTV watching
With channels groups, logos and EPG (XMLTV and JTV formats supported)
Internal video player for fast playback starting of IPTV channels and video streams
IPTV data server support
Can connect to IPTV data server (Perfect Player’s PC version from v1.1.0) to get playlist, EPG, logos and the ability to request playlist update right away by specifying only IPTV data server address in Settings udpxy (UDP-TO-HTTP proxy) support Local files watching
From SDCard, USB, etc. Video plugins support
For online videos watching (VOD)
Visual themes support
Satin, Sky, Velvet Controlled by any input device
Mouse, keyboard, remote control, pointers, etc. Big controls panel
Useful for devices with small screen (toggle the pannel with the two fingers touch)
Perfect Player安卓版從2014年12月開始發布0.6.0起,進化到現在最新1.4.0版,期間增加了許多功能,尤其是在硬解模式下對多音軌多字幕的支持,可以說是獨一無二的!
就在無望的時候,zidoo X9s終於發布了,第一台支援DVB位圖字幕的4K HDR安卓播放機,Perfect Player這才真正完美!
在解碼模式中,選標准模式支持DVB字幕,HW+模式支持TXT字幕。Perfect Player更是支援對每個頻道設定不同的解碼模式。
Perfect Player有著跟Kodi Add-on:IPTV Simple Client相同的基因,可自定義m3u節目表,xml EPG和台標logo。
tvg-id is value of channel id in EPG xml file. If the tag is absent then addon will use tvg-name for map channel to EPG;
tvg-name is value of display-name in EPG there all space chars replaced to _ (underscore char) if this value is not found in xml then addon will use the channel name to find correct EPG.
tvg-logo is name of channel logo file without extension (.png). If this tag is absent then addon will use channel name to find logo.
tvg-shift is value in hours to shift EPG time. This tag can be used in #EXTM3U for apply shift to all channels or in #EXTINF for apply shift only to current channel.
group-name is channels group name. If the tag is absent then addon will use group name from the previous channel.
radio is flag that indicate what group or cahnnel is radio. If the tag is absent then addon will use value from current group (if exists).
- #EXTINF:-1, tvg-name="湖南卫视" tvg-logo="hunan" group-title="地波AVS+高清",湖南衛視HD
複製代碼 xmltv epg格式
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <tv generator-info-name="DomainObjects/4.3.5897.21234">
- <channel id="901">
- <display-name>湖南卫视</display-name> #這裡對應m3u裡的tvg-name="湖南卫视"
- </channel>
- <programme start="20170211220500 +0800" stop="20170211223000 +0800" channel="901">
- <title>我们的歌手(4)</title>
- <desc>我们的歌手(4)</desc>
- </programme>
- <programme start="20170211223000 +0800" stop="20170211230000 +0800" channel="901">
- <title>歌手(4)</title>
- <desc>歌手(4)</desc>
- </programme>
- </tv>
複製代碼 至於epg數據的抓取說來話長,又可開一帖了。有抓web epg數據的,也有抓DVB EPG數據的。實際發現有線電視的EPG比較准確,但沒有web數據有節目簡介,各有所長。當然,Perfect Player也提供了在線匹配台標和epg的功能,但是有點水土不服,要想完美還得靠自己折騰了。
m3u,xml epg,logo這叁位都安排妥當了,就可在一般設定裡選定他們,Perfect Player支持多列表,多epg哦,這可是IPTV Simple Client所不具備的。
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