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[器材鑑賞] Les Années Laser器評Storm Audio風暴ISR Fusion 20 :「一款令人震驚的 20聲道環繞綜合擴大機!」


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本文最後由 daniel0810 於 2024-3-18 02:05 PM 編輯

Les Années Laser器評Storm Audio風暴ISR Fusion 20 :「一款令人震驚的 20聲道環繞綜合擴大機!」

Les Années Laser,這本著名的法國 AV/家庭影院雜誌,近期測試評論Storm Audio風暴最新推出的ISR Fusion 20 :

「可以這麼說,Fusion 20 讓我們有機會在令人狂喜的旋風中參與 Gran Turismo 賽事。」


評論中除了其他方面,特別強調了 ISR Fusion 20 的設置靈活性、超精確和大動態的後級擴大機功能,以及與 Dirac Live ART 的示範級聲音融合。這裡有一段中文摘要:

"ISR Fusion 20 在家庭影院世界中是一款獨特的環繞綜合擴大機。首先,由於其硬體設計和破紀錄的內建聲道數。然後是其強大的軟體選項和Dirac Live Active Room Treatment。在我們的試聽室內,在與競品的對比聆聽中,顯而易見地,Dirac Live ART 無疑地佔據了上風,能夠淡化各頻段的缺點並消除所有共鳴。事實上,這項技術通過其明顯減少駐波並消除任何不良聲學效應的能力,真正增強了觀看電影的樂趣。"

Les Années Laser, the well-known French AV/ Home cinema magazine had the opportunity to test and review our new 20-channel receiver: ISR Fusion 20

” Let’s just say that the Fusion 20 allows us to participate in Gran Turismo races with an exhilarating whirlwind. “

We are proud to share with you this in-depth review awarded with their best rating: a 20/20 grade. Among other things, the article highlights the flexibility of the ISR Fusion 20, ultra-precise and dynamic amplification, and exemplary sonic fusion with Dirac Live ART. For non-French speakers, here’s an extract in English:

“The ISR Fusion 20 is a unique receiver in the world of home theater. Firstly, because of its hardware design and its record number of onboard channels. Then for its powerful software options and the new Dirac Live Active Room Treatment. Dirac Live ART clearly had the upper hand in our auditorium to lighten the low end of the spectrum and remove all resonances. In fact, this technology really enhances the pleasure of watching a film through its ability to significantly reduce standing waves and eliminates any effect. In comparative listening, it’s obvious.  ”

資料來源 :Les Années Laser器評Storm Audio風暴ISR Fusion 20 :「一款令人震驚的 20聲道環繞綜合擴大機!」

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