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台灣的SCET 正式誕生了


發表於 2007-11-28 13:44:49 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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台灣新力電腦娛樂 12 月正式成立 將統括台灣 PlayStation 業務

新力電腦娛樂亞洲分部(SCE Asia)發表,將正式在台設立「台灣新力電腦娛樂股份有限公司(SCET)」,並自 12 月 1 日起承襲原「香港商新力電腦娛樂有限公司(SCEH)台北分公司」的業務,負責台灣 PlayStation 事業的經營。

  新成立的 SCET 將由 SCE Asia 總裁 安田哲彥 兼任董事長,原 SCEH 台北分公司總經理 本間和彥 續任總經理。


另外消息PS3的GPU(RSX) 12/1日將進入65nm製程

PS3] 東芝:更涼快 更安靜!PS3下月起雙65nm制程達成,隨即繼續向45nm推進


RSX Shrinks Next Month
PSthree, come to meeee!
by Anoop Gantayat

November 26, 2007 - According to a report from Nikkei late last week, Toshiba is planning on switching manufacturing of the PlayStation 3's RSX graphics processor to a 65nm process next month. Currently, the chip is manufacturing using a 90nm process, the same as it's been since the system's launch.

A smaller die size for the chip can mean cheaper production costs and less heat, contributing to lower prices for the consumer, and a quieter, more reliable PS3 system.

The latest versions of the system's Cell CPU are being manufactured using a 65nm process. It is widely believed that the switch to 65nm for the Cell is one of the main reasons Sony was able to drop the PS3's price down to $399 in time for the holidays.

Nikkei also reports that Toshiba is planning on beginning manufacturing at 45nm in the latter half of the next fiscal year, and speculates that the RSX and other PlayStation 3 chips are prime candidates for the new line.

據日經新聞報道,東芝計划在下個月將PS3 RSX圖形晶片的制造工藝由目前的90納米轉換成更先進的65納米。


業界普遍相信索尼之所以能將40G版PS3的售價拉低至399美元,主要歸功於PS3 Cell晶片應用了單位制造成本更低的65納米工藝。現在,最后一個堡壘——RSX圖形晶片,也將遷移至65納米制程,這將賦予索尼更大的降價空間。

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