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tsMuxeR錯誤訊息AV frame too large (65165 bytes). Increase AV buffer.


發表於 2008-5-18 20:19:06 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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各位前輩好! 小弟目前有個難題找不到解決辦法...
用tsMuxeR將m2ts切割為4GB之ts檔案時, 出現錯誤訊息如下
AV frame too large (65165 bytes). Increase AV buffer.
小弟關閉所有程式, 或重新開機皆無法解決此問題
搜尋google找不到解決辦法, 且tsMuxe說明檔案是俄文的 Orz
懇請各位前輩幫忙, 謝謝!!! <(_ _)>

發表於 2009-3-30 09:08:11 | 顯示全部樓層
http://linkai8424.spaces.live.co ... 16096CB25!665.entry

How to deal with tsMuxeR's AV frame too large error. This is a new problem I encountered recently. When using tsMuxeR remux a m2ts file from a Blu-ray ISO file to a PS3 compliant m2ts file. (My PC is too weak so I want to stream the new m2ts via TVersity) So there I got this dreadful Error message: AV frame too large (63548 bytes). Increase AV buffer. And after some trial and error, I had found a solution for this problem.
But before going on how to solve it, I want to say that this is definitely a problem occurred when ripping the Blu-ray image, so if you still have the original disc, you should definitely go ripping it again! If you don't have the original disc, you can try my solution...
The solution involves two pieces of freeware: 1. DGAVCDec - A tool to demux m2ts file to elementary AVC stream and whatever the audio (TrueHD, DTS-HD MA, LPCM). Note: 1. DGAVCDec is strictly used for AVC streams, there's DGMPGDec for mpeg stream and DGVC1DecNV for VC1 streams (only works for m2ts, no wmv demuxing), and I think eac3to is also able to do the job. 2. the LPCM file it demuxes is not compliant with tsMuxeR, so we need a second software called PCM2tsumu. If you try to get add the raw PCM file into tsMuxeR, it will complain: 2. PCM2Tsmu - A tool to add header info to the raw PCM so that tsMuxeR can accept the file. After patching, tsMuxeR should take the file. So here are the steps: 1. Demux the m2ts DGAVCDec, the m2ts file is usually the largest file under BDMV\STREAM. You can also delete the audio track that you don't need. 2. If you have PCM file, patch it with PCM2Tsmu. It's a little dos tool, so just Ctrl+R, type in cmd, call up the dos command window. The perimeter is quite simple with 3 options. If you don't add the options, it will default to 16 bit, 5.1 channel I think. So be careful using the options if you want to get the correct PCM file. For details just follow the software's instruction, it's fairly straightforward. 3. Add video *.avc, add audio into tsMuxeR, mux to m2ts. DONE. So far, I've encountered this problem once. It's definitely something wrong when ripping the Blu-ray image. For my video, the video just pixelated for a sec during the place where tsMuxeR complains. So if you still have the original disc, you should definitely re-rip it!

[ 本帖最後由 linjerin 於 2009-3-30 09:09 編輯 ]
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發表於 2009-11-4 17:34:50 | 顯示全部樓層

這是一個新問題,我最近遇到的。當使用tsMuxeR remux 1 m2ts文件來自藍光ISO文件到PS3的兼容m2ts文件。 (我的電腦太軟弱,所以我想新的m2ts流通過TVersity)所以我得到這個可怕的錯誤消息:影音框架太大(63548字節)。增加影音緩衝區。



1。 DGAVCDec -這種工具可以分離器m2ts文件,以基本的AVC流,無論音頻(TrueHD技術,DTS公司高清馬的LPCM)。

注:1。 DGAVCDec嚴格用於AVC流,有DGMPGDec對MPEG流DGVC1DecNV的VC1一樣流(只工程m2ts,沒有wmv demuxing),我認為eac3to也能完成這項工作。



2。 PCM2Tsmu -一個工具來添加頭信息的原始PCM,使tsMuxeR可以接受的文件。經過修補,tsMuxeR應採取文件。


1。解复用的m2ts DGAVCDec的m2ts文件通常是最大的文件下含BDMV \流。您也可以刪除的音軌,你不需要。


2。如果您有的PCM文件,它與PCM2Tsmu補丁。這是一個小斯桑托斯的工具,因此只要按Ctrl + R,輸入在加利福尼亞,調出DOS命令窗口。周邊是相當簡單的3個選擇。如果你不添加的選項,將默認為16位,5.1聲道我想。因此,要小心使用的選項,如果你想獲得正確的PCM文件。詳情只需按照軟件的指示,這是相當簡單的。





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發表於 2014-2-18 09:45:27 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 ringo286 於 2014-2-18 09:46 編輯
jasonn88 發表於 2009-11-4 17:34

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