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PS3 with Yellow Dog Linux Pre-installed Pre-orders opened


發表於 2006-12-8 16:53:24 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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已載入 Yellow Dog Linux 的 PS3 開始預購:

Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Terra Soft Solutions requires Non-refundable Deposit for a PS3
Yesterday I discovered the announced price, today I see that they are finally taking pre-orders for PS3 units with Yellow Dog Linux 5.0 installed. The pricing hasn't changed ($650=60gb and $550=20gb) but there is a requirement of $100 (Non-Refundable) deposit to secure a PS3 in March 2007. The March 2007 date is not confirmed yet as they are relying on a distributor. I guess it won't be a Merry Christmas but maybe a Happy Easter?

from Terra Soft:

The delivery date of your PS3 cannot at this time be quoted.

The $100 charge to your card (below) is a NON-REFUNDABLE DOWNPAYMENT toward the full price of your PS3.

While our distributor states units should be available near the close of Q1 (March/April) 2007, the delivery date of your PS3 will NOT be quoted. By placing your order through this form, you are committing your downpayment toward the receipt of a PS3 independent of the time it may take to deliver this unit to you.

If you cancel your order, you will lose your $100 downpayment.

All units will be shipped based upon the order in which they were received. You will be notified prior to shipment. The final amount due ([total price - $100] + shipping + tax) will be charged to your card the day before your PS3 ships.

發表於 2006-12-8 22:05:26 | 顯示全部樓層

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