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[分享] C-200 簡單測試報告


發表於 2010-1-21 13:27:19 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 <I>shivertsai</I> 於 2010-1-20 16:14 發表 <A href="http://www.hd.club.tw/redirect.php?goto=findpost&amp;pid=384703&amp;ptid=28707" target=_blank><IMG alt="" src="http://www.hd.club.tw/images/common/back.gif" border=0></A> &nbsp; 我是分別買機心加外接盒手邊有兩台都適用都是sata介面 Panasonic UJ-130A LiteOn DS-4E!S 另外SONY NEC 5500S 也可用外接盒上網買300元SATA介面建議用sata的,舊款IDE BR-Rom也可以例如Panasonic UJ-120, ...
<P><BR>shivertsai 大說的這款外接盒我有買到~~(等超久的....)</P>
<P>Panasonic PAN-UJ-140 slimline&nbsp;藍光機 也早入手了~~</P>

[ 本帖最後由 tako2u 於 2010-1-21 17:32 編輯 ]
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發表於 2010-1-21 15:37:41 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 <I>vventuree</I> 於 2010-1-21 11:45 發表 <A href="http://www.hd.club.tw/redirect.php?goto=findpost&amp;pid=385615&amp;ptid=28707" target=_blank><IMG alt="" src="http://www.hd.club.tw/images/common/back.gif" border=0></A> &nbsp; 外接的接口不是只有 USB 嗎? sata 是內接的才有.
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發表於 2010-1-22 12:40:07 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 332# 的帖子

- 內接SATA硬碟跟 USB外接硬碟之間, 是否可以透過 c-200 來互相拷貝移動檔案?

可以,可copy,move ,delete,create folder
按遙控器上的file mode即可
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發表於 2010-1-22 14:02:38 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 <I>weber369</I> 於 2010-1-22 12:40 發表 <A href="http://www.hd.club.tw/redirect.php?goto=findpost&amp;pid=386775&amp;ptid=28707" target=_blank><IMG alt="" src="http://www.hd.club.tw/images/common/back.gif" border=0></A> - 內接SATA硬碟跟 USB外接硬碟之間, 是否可以透過 c-200 來互相拷貝移動檔案? 可以,可copy,move ,delete,create folder 按遙控器上的file mode即可
<P><SPAN class=429112103-22012010><FONT face=Calibri color=#0000ff>這正是我要的答案, 那就不用擔心 2.5" 內接 SATA HDD 要拔來拔去更新資料了.</FONT></SPAN></P>
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發表於 2010-1-22 20:25:23 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 <i>weber369</i> 於 2010-1-22 12:40 發表 <a href="http://www.hd.club.tw/redirect.php?goto=findpost&amp;pid=386775&amp;ptid=28707" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.hd.club.tw/images/common/back.gif" alt="" border="0"></a>
- 內接SATA硬碟跟 USB外接硬碟之間, 是否可以透過 c-200 來互相拷貝移動檔案?

可以,可copy,move ,delete,create folder
按遙控器上的file mode即可
<br>哇!小朋友已經準備出走了!<br>也感謝tako2u網友提供的傢私,可一次搞定,<br>真適合我這種跟不上潮流的老人家!<img smilieid="124" src="http://www.hd.club.tw/images/smilies/default/41.gif" border="0"><br>
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發表於 2010-1-23 01:36:01 | 顯示全部樓層
請問有無安裝yami的中文版安裝步驟呢? 我在國外討論區看的步驟很複雜, 有點霧煞煞, 不是太好裝的樣子<br>還有, 安裝yami 是否c-200 也要連上網路作影片資訊圖片更新呢? 小弟的電視旁沒有網路, 不知道能不能裝.. <br>
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發表於 2010-1-25 12:03:24 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 <i>gavincwchen</i> 於 2010-1-14 09:20 發表 <a href="http://www.hd.club.tw/redirect.php?goto=findpost&amp;pid=375438&amp;ptid=28707" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.hd.club.tw/images/common/back.gif" alt="" border="0"></a>

請問這個的意思是如果我接色差的話是否就看不到影像了???小弟想買有支援原版BD&amp;DVD的C-200 但又怕色差放不出來 @@
<br>原版BD问题不大, 因为非常少量的BD还有Macrovision.<br>DVD 就有这问题 <br>
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發表於 2010-1-25 14:13:12 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lhseong 於 2010-1-25 12:03 發表
原版BD问题不大, 因为非常少量的BD还有Macrovision.DVD 就有这问题  

<div><br></div><div>那這樣就麻煩了&nbsp;<span class="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: 20px; "><img src="http://www.hd.club.tw/images/smilies/default/33.gif" smilieid="116" border="0"></span></div><div>原本還想買C200取代我的SONY DVD Player 咧~~</div><div>那這樣我的機器還是得留下來&nbsp;<span class="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: 20px; "><img src="http://www.hd.club.tw/images/smilies/default/31.gif" smilieid="114" border="0"></span></div>
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發表於 2010-1-27 15:46:40 | 顯示全部樓層
<P>我記得 c200 有 shuffle play 功能, 應該要按 REPEAT 去啟動, 但是我按之後只有重覆單首, 或全部重覆的功能, 並沒有 shuffle.</P>
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發表於 2010-1-28 10:26:01 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 <I>shivertsai</I> 於 2010-1-20 16:14 發表 <A href="http://www.hd.club.tw/redirect.php?goto=findpost&amp;pid=384703&amp;ptid=28707" target=_blank><IMG border=0 alt="" src="http://www.hd.club.tw/images/common/back.gif"></A> &nbsp; 我是分別買機心加外接盒手邊有兩台都適用都是sata介面 Panasonic UJ-130A LiteOn DS-4E!S 另外SONY NEC 5500S 也可用外接盒上網買300元SATA介面建議用sata的,舊款IDE BR-Rom也可以例如Panasonic UJ-120, ...
<P><A href="http://store.pchome.com.tw/popcornhour/M04954044.htm">http://store.pchome.com.tw/popcornhour/M04954044.htm</A></P>
<P>但這樣的price<IMG border=0 alt="" src="http://www.hd.club.tw/images/smilies/default/37.gif" smilieid="120"> </P>
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發表於 2010-1-28 16:17:32 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 hyl1234 於 2010-1-28 10:26 發表


<div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: 20px;"><br></span></div><div>放心 到最後你會 只用抽取式的 HDD</div><div>因為藍光ROM幾乎沒用到&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>相信我 &nbsp;^^</div>
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發表於 2010-1-28 19:07:07 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 <I>kenkenchen</I> 於 2010-1-28 16:17 發表 <A href="http://www.hd.club.tw/redirect.php?goto=findpost&amp;pid=394723&amp;ptid=28707" target=_blank><IMG alt="" src="http://www.hd.club.tw/images/common/back.gif" border=0></A> 放心 到最後你會 只用抽取式的 HDD因為藍光ROM幾乎沒用到&nbsp;&nbsp;相信我 &nbsp;^^
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發表於 2010-1-29 17:45:40 | 顯示全部樓層
請問A-200 有人發表 開箱文了嗎?
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發表於 2010-1-29 17:49:57 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 <I>kenkenchen</I> 於 2010-1-29 17:45 發表 <A href="http://www.hd.club.tw/redirect.php?goto=findpost&amp;pid=396083&amp;ptid=28707" target=_blank><IMG border=0 alt="" src="http://www.hd.club.tw/images/common/back.gif"></A> 請問A-200 有人發表 開箱文了嗎? 小弟友想要買一台給家人使用...
<P>沒有開箱文,但可參考<A href="http://www.hd.club.tw/thread-34297-1-3.html">http://www.hd.club.tw/thread-34297-1-3.html</A></P>
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發表於 2010-1-29 21:01:41 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2010-1-30 00:43:49 | 顯示全部樓層
c-200又有更新,大家快去官網看看<img smilieid="121" src="http://www.hd.club.tw/images/smilies/default/38.gif" border="0"><br>
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發表於 2010-1-30 09:36:28 | 顯示全部樓層
<P>Release date : 29 January 2010<BR>Firmware version : 02-02-100118-19-POP-408-000<BR><BR>1. New NMT apps 02-01-100119-19-POP-408<BR>2. BD/AVCHD/DVD/CDDA<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Workaround for CDDA issues (Bug #5000302, #5000303)<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Workaround for BD-ROM via USB support<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Performance improvement for BD ISO playback<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Added patches for audio bitstream issues<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Enabled MENU key for DVD/ISO/VIDEO_TS playback<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Added REPEAT A-B function for DVD/VIDEO_TS and CDDA<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- Known to have slow response<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- A-B interval of less than 2sec may have issue<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Workaround for BD audio no output after switch from HD audio to Dolby Digital/DTS<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed after HDMI audio muted, DVD playback will have noise on audio output<BR>3. Video and Audio playback<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed detection conflict between FLAC, WAV and AVS video (Bug #5000287)<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Enable support for FLAC and VORBIS with 3, 4 &amp; 5 channels<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Support Thai(codepage 874) external ext-based subtitle<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Checking of Byte Order Mark for external SRT in UTF8 (Bug #5000322)<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed positioning of long/large-size text-based subtitle<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed external text-based subtitle via HTTP e.g. myiHome not loaded (Bug #5000250)<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed resume/bookmark issue; only seekable files can be bookmarked now&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fix to only allow files with duration and seekable status to do time seek (LEFT/RIGHT/GOTO) (Bug #5000139)&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed file certain WMV clip unable to end after LEFT/RIGHT/GOTO seek<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed STEP on clip that is not steppable will terminate playback<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed after trigger SEEK LEFT/RIGHT/GOTO on the infobar will show PAUSE/STOP icon then only show PLAY icon.<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed hang-up when press PLAY on m3u file (Bug #5000320)<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed issue regarding video zoom/scaling (Bug #5000327)<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Improvements for h264 video frame sequence calculation to handle typical h264 encoding fault<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;caused by non-standard ripping<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- MKV chapter support, use PREV/NEXT key<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Added FLAC metadata display for music playback<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Added shuffle feature for music playlist; press REPEAT to toggle<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Added gapless playback feature for audio playback (first phase)<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- only for MP3 and WAV now, and for subsequent files of same format<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- cannot seek when prebuffer starts near end of file<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed certain TS video clips cannot do LEFT/RIGHT/GOTO/TIME SEEK seek/resume from bookmark.<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed if huge MKV chapter size causing system error.<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed certain Internet radio cannot play.<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed UPnP-AV (WMP11) playlist item crashes.<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- embedded PGS subtitle support for M2TS files (first phase)<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed PGS/M2TS subtitle rendering resolution flaw<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Enabled camcoder AVCHD type detection.<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Added gapless audio support for FLAC format.<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Support for changing subtitle encoding on-the-fly<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- in subtitle menu; only for ASCII codepages (Latin1, Greek,<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; Cyrillic, Turkish, Vietnamese, Thai), GB2312, BIG5, Shift_JIS and UTF-8)<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed missing space with italic subtitle<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed PGS subtitle potential hang.<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Workaround to enable 24Hz at auto framerate sync<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed gapless playback feature for small mp3 file less than 1MB<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Added album art retrieval from FLAC metadata<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Added Brightness, Contrast, Hue and Saturation setting for video<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(press Setup during video playback)<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed issue where single file playback could not toggle repeat mode.<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed M2TS PGS subtitle issue<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Workaround WMAPro bitstream output issue<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Added all playable formats allow for audio playlist<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed incomplete FLAC metadata retrieval<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed playlist sometimes does not start from correct file<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed m4a song info and album art display<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Patch Colorspace algorithm (for file playback only)<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed playback failure via certain HTTP server (SwissCenter)<BR>4. Photo app<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Slideshow, new photo info (ISO speed, F number and Exposure time)<BR>5. OSD<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- slight modification for info display during video/photo playback.<BR>6. System/Network<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Resolved screensaver setting issue after restoring factory setting<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed video scaling info not updated during PAUSE (Bug #5000306)<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Disallow file copy of over 4GB to FAT device (filesystem limitation)<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- included kernelmode NTFS read/write driver<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed configure proxy result in error page<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed DVD parental setting cannot be saved<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- minor update on Chinese/Japanese language pack<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed HDD name not displayed<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed occasional detection failure of NTFS harddisk<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- New network share UI<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Turn on syabas_command_server<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Improve time for NFS (UDP/TCP) client login to non-exist/blocked shares<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Improve time for server discovery utility<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- More intelligent handling of protocol type instead of .udp. default<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Torrent client HTTP wget fix<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Network share, number of allowed persistent links has been increased to 20.<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed USB unmount issue<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed issue of incorrect redirection when changing password in NMT Apps page<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed CD status update while opening/closing<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed issue where some servers were missing from the discovery<BR>7. Browser<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- press PLAY on non-playable item will instead play from first playable<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;item in the folder<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Browser user-agent missing closing bracket.<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Added "remove USB device" feature in file mode menu<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- For browser to display USB mount point instead of USB name<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- browser will stay busy until all images from previous page is loaded<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed file operation delete/copy/newfolder/move/rename/createplaylist does not update the list in UI<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed Internet radio showing image info on front panel LCD<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed SD mode media source listing issue, broken in previous RC release<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed PHF launch without special HTML attributes<BR>8. WiFi<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed connection failure if disable SSID broadcast at router and key in SSID manually (Bug #5000331)<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed unable to play Internet radio via MSP when using WiFi (Bug #5000330)<BR>9. UPnP AV<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Resolved photo pause-next will hang the system<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- support mp2v m4a mp4 m4v.<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Resolved PlayOn "no content found" problem<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Fixed URL with parameters cannot find extension<BR>10. Web Services<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp; - App Center service<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp; - Official SHOUTcast service added<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp; - Fixed "scroll up" page handling issue.<BR>&nbsp; &nbsp; - Fixed loading wrong saved flash info in SD mode</P>
<P><A href="http://www.popcornhour.com/download/C200/firmware-C200.html">http://www.popcornhour.com/download/C200/firmware-C200.html</A></P>

[ 本帖最後由 chhanthony 於 2010-1-30 09:43 編輯 ]
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發表於 2010-1-30 09:45:45 | 顯示全部樓層
還未有fix PiP HD audio bit-stream 問題
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發表於 2010-1-30 14:11:53 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2010-1-30 20:11:25 | 顯示全部樓層
請問一下有C-200機器的大大們可否證實一下:<br><br><a href="http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tqaMwZRFJsR5x5XG2cbNFHw&amp;single=true&amp;gid=0&amp;output=html">HD播放機比較表</a> 這邊-『1000M已可正常使用』的項目已經被打v,是目前唯一一台被打v的高清播放機<br><br>1.那透過1000M網路存取windows網芳分享的檔案速度有多快呢? (複製檔案與播放速度分別是多少?)<br>2.80M bps的測試片已經可以完美播放了嗎?<br><br>感謝!<br>
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