
[新品速報] Popcorn Hour A-210 / Popcorn Hour A-200


發表於 2011-6-23 22:52:40 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2011-6-24 00:26:04 | 顯示全部樓層
回覆 77# PCHTW



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 樓主| 發表於 2011-6-24 22:25:51 | 顯示全部樓層
本文章最後由 PCHTW 於 2011-6-24 22:32 編輯


已照您所有建議執行完畢,但是只能在A-200看到PC,但PC從網路和共用中心只看到Popcor ...
sonicrazer 發表於 2011-6-24 00:26

1. 按遙控器"設定鍵""Setup"-->網路設定-->看右下角的IP是多少。正確的數值應該是192.168.x.xx。如果您看到的IP不是192.168開頭,請安裝分享器。

2. 在知道A-210 IP後,且NMT應用程式的Samba與NFS開啟的情況,用Windows檔案總管上面路徑的欄位,輸入\\192.168.x.xx。接下來跳出來的視窗輸入使用者:nmt,密碼:1234以做登入,登入後便可以看到A-210裡的硬碟資料。

如果是用USB做NMT Apps同時接硬碟,請先重開機。硬碟休眠時登入網路是看不到的。
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發表於 2011-6-24 23:01:20 | 顯示全部樓層

輸入\\ 以後,接下來跳出來的視窗是: Window 無法存取,所以是那裡出錯呢?

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 樓主| 發表於 2011-6-27 00:02:37 | 顯示全部樓層

輸入\\ 以後,接下來跳出來的視窗是: Window 無法存取,所以是那裡出錯 ...
sonicrazer 發表於 2011-6-24 23:01

1. 請檢查NMT應用程式項目是否有啟動。

2. 請重開電腦,分享器與播放機。

3. 請確認IP前面有輸入背斜線:\\

4. 在輸入IP情況無法登入時,請確認網路芳鄰是否可以找到A-210。理論上Samba伺服器有開,透過PC網路上的芳鄰就可以找到該裝置。
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發表於 2011-10-10 15:34:18 | 顯示全部樓層
回覆 85# PCHTW
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發表於 2011-10-10 15:38:25 | 顯示全部樓層
回覆 85# PCHTW 您好:我的電腦在網芳上也看的到popcornhour,但就是不能連,NMT應用程式的項目如何啟動,感恩
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 樓主| 發表於 2011-10-11 00:51:24 | 顯示全部樓層
回覆  PCHTW 您好:我的電腦在網芳上也看的到popcornhour,但就是不能連,NMT應用程式的項目如何啟動,感恩 ...
anko323 發表於 2011-10-10 15:38

麻煩先確認NMT Apps有沒有裝,有裝的情況設定頁面會有NMT應用程式的選項。

接下來要確認NMT Apps的版本是否與韌體版本相符。請按NMT應用程式看上方是否有出現版本錯誤的訊息。


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發表於 2011-10-11 12:48:42 | 顯示全部樓層
回覆 88# PCHTW
我的韌體版本已更新到110519版本,我看了一下之前的說明安裝NMT Apps好像要用初次安裝更新,這樣硬碟需重新格式化,若要單獨裝NMT Apps可以嗎?謝謝
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 樓主| 發表於 2011-10-11 13:58:53 | 顯示全部樓層

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 樓主| 發表於 2012-8-1 03:51:21 | 顯示全部樓層

韌體載點:http://files.syabas.com/popcornh ... -21-POP-411-000.zip

[A-2x0] Firmware 03-04-120727-21-POP-411 (03-04-111220-21-POP-411) (31.07.2012)

Dear customers,

Please be informed that Popcorn Hour A-200/A-210 firmware release including the new Networked Media Jukebox:
and NMT apps:
is available for update.

for offline update and release notes, download from:


please download this package and follow then the instructions inside the zip file!!!!


Quote:1. Unzip and copy all files into the root directory of a USB thumbdrive
2. Plug the USB thumbdrive into the NMT
3. Browse to the USB device and use the File Icon to browse to usbupdate.html
4. Press Enter on usbupdate.html, and another Enter on the listed firmware update link.
5. Firmware update will commence and will automatically reboots after done.
6. After NMT boots up with new firmware, if a NMT applications update is needed, the NMT applications update Wizard will start automatically.
7. Follow through the steps and select to update from USB.
8. NMT applications update will commence and will automatically reboots after it is done.
9. Final step we recommend is to reset the player to Factory Defaults, select this option in Setting > Maintenance.
10. Firmware and NMT applications update is completed at this point


Release date : 31 July 2012
Firmware version : 03-04-120727-21-POP-411-000

1. New NMT apps 03-04-111220-21-POP-411
    - Fixed no signal shown on AVR when DTS set bo downmix and BD navigation set to simpleBD
    - Fixed playback failure with certain BD files
    - Fixed failure to scan certain BD movies and causing hang-up
    - Added BD menu language selection
3. Video and Audio playback
    - Fixed unable to play audio photo sync html file issue
    - Fixed Internet Radio under webservices has no function issue
    - Fixed Timebar issue with avi files starting at 0:00 after resume
    - Fixed Avi resume issue after full shutdown didn't resume
    - Fixed m4a music files freeze issue   
    - Fixed BGM+Photo: when replay the music playlist it will auto divert to the now playing page
    - Fixed BGM+Photo: trigger next/prev from audio menu bar at photo slideshow page it will auto divert to the now playing page
    - Fixed Cannot show screen saver if during music playback or pause during music playback at now playing page
    - Fixed PGS subtitle of file playback showing at incorrect position
    - Fixed missing palette info for certain PGS rendering
    - Fixed unable to play audio cue sheet if press play button
    - Fixed unable to get FLAC audio track when playback a mkv file
    - Fixed HE-AAC and HE-AACv2 detection in mkv and mp4
    - Fixed ASS subtitle Layer support
    - Fixed playback MKV with 1080p S_VOBSUB crash
    - Fixed WMP11 audio playback always play first file even though other file is selected
    - Fixed playback crash with certain MKV that has no CodecPrivate for HE-AAC
    - Fixed playlist navigator not able to show up issue, during upnp music playback.
    - Fixed music info marquee not able to show up issue during upnp music playback.
    - Fixed pressing "Enter" key on photo triggers slideshow instead of single photo playback issue.
    - Fixed stopping photo playback always fall back to Apps Market
    - Workaround for KhanAcademy MP4 streaming crash; due to buffer overflow
    - Increase supported jpeg size to res 12k*8k
    - Improved PGS subtitle support
    - Added Support VOB audio LL/RR/Stereo and track switching
    - Added Support MPEG audio LL/RR/Stereo switching
    - Added UTF-16 subtitle support
    - Added new Audioplayback Interface
    - Added FLV (H.264 video only) support added
4. Networked Media JukeBox (NMJ)
    - Fixed incorrect info for NMJ TV series with nfo
    - Fixed incorrect scanning result occasionally for certain AVCHD titiles
    - Fixed scanner failure to get full info for BD/DVD ISO
5. System/Network
    - Fixed persistent networkshares displaying issue with 10 entries and more
    - Fixed IR become unresponsive (still not fully fixed!)
    - Fixed cannot detect WMP11/UPnP server from the down arrow key
    - Fixed Some wording do not translate into vietnam language
    - Fixed Do not remember the last login server
    - Fixed WN150/160 Unable to get wifi connection if the Security is set to “WPA2 TKIP+AES”
    - Fixed Slovenian codepage index (ISO-8859-2)
    - Fixed unable to browse into NFS directories with long path length exceeding 256 bytes
    - Fixed changing of SAMBA workgroup in Setup does not take effect
    - Fixed regression on auto-loading of index.htm on drive or share
    - Fixed for fast quiting of PHF apps.
    - Fixed incorrect display of partition name with some FAT32 HDD containing multiple partitions
    - Fixed occasional failure to access to NZBGet Web UI page from a PC browser
    - Fixed issue that certain SMB or NFS share/path cannot be accessed.
    - Fixed various memory leaks
    - Fixed DNS issues with Dlink Router
    - Update BIG5-Unicode conversion; missing BIG5 characters
    - Added UI error handling for inaccessible SMB & NFS share point
    - Added popup warning message when reset to factory settings
    - Added new UPnP-AV stack
    - Removed Volumeboost Range (+1 to +15)
6. Apps/Apps Market
    - Added new App Market
    - Fixed missing Youtube functions should work now
    - Fixed Cannot access to the apps market for certain system language


NMT Apps Version : 03-04-111220-21-POP-411

Release Notes :
1. Minimum firmware version to use this NMT App is 03-04-120727-21-POP-411-000
2. Upgrade pure-ftp server to v1.0.32
3. Upgrade torrent transmission to v2.13
4. Fixed Transmission API issue

Syabas Technology Inc. DBA Popcornhour
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