
[新品速報] Popcorn Hour A-210 / Popcorn Hour A-200


發表於 2010-3-26 10:36:02 | 顯示全部樓層
報告一下使用心得...<br>目前遭遇最大問題: 熱當.上蓋拿掉才會正常, 要不然很容易crash 要拔插頭<br><br>網路問題: pc vista 可以看到a200的所有目錄跟存取. 可是從a200看不到vista分享的目錄, google一下做了相關設定,還是不能, 可能還有幾個點沒看到.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 不過在vista上面裝上NMT的軟體之後,就可以被看到了,不過限定在server設定的四個目錄, 不是很彈性. <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 比較希望可以自由的使用網芳, 有看討論說想要跟vista網芳 要用新的samba<br><br>字幕方面: 看了一ˊ片沒有中文的bdmv, 嘗試把.srt改成與最大size的m2ts檔案同檔名, 沒有用. 嘗試自己remux一次. 也是沒用. 應該是我remux沒設定好.<br><br>Overall, 好東西一台 讚!<br>
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使用道具 舉報

發表於 2010-3-29 22:07:31 | 顯示全部樓層
<P>能不能存起來不用在重設了!&lt;-- </P>
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使用道具 舉報

發表於 2010-3-30 00:56:32 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 weber001 於 2010-3-29 22:07 發表 反應一個問題吧!字幕的高度和大小設定好後,每次關機再開都要重設,設的很煩,能不能存起來不用在重設了!<-- 為什麼要關機,不用待機模式?因為待機模式風扇會轉,硬碟在燙,所以一定會關機.... Default的字型大小 ...

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發表於 2010-3-30 14:44:01 | 顯示全部樓層
關機的按鈕式 power+退片的樣子. 看起來原始設計就是「按下power 只會關畫面」.<br><br>
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發表於 2010-3-30 15:35:54 | 顯示全部樓層
Power+Reject 重開機
Power+Delete 關機

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 樓主| 發表於 2010-3-30 17:13:04 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 SpencerHsu 於 2010-3-9 17:05 發表 大家好我是新加入的會員,有個問題向各位前輩請教,最近買了一台A-200,首先嘗試利用現有的NAS(QNAP TS-119)觀看由Canon HF-10攝影機拍攝的MTS影片,流暢度與畫質均OK,之後為了要製作藍光光碟,先利用TMPGEnc4.0將檔案轉成MPEG2 ...


有關您的問題,網路上用戶使用TMPGEnc4.0產生影音不同部的相關資料不少。我們有整理了一些link PM給您做參考。原則上請您確認一下影音不同步的情況為固定秒差還是變動秒差。固定秒差比較好解決可以直接從TMPEGnc編輯,而變動秒差必須要有額外的修正軟體做處理。25000kb/sec的設定基本上並不算大的流量,A-200在支援上沒有問題。
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-3-30 17:23:41 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 freylin 於 2010-3-26 10:36 發表 報告一下使用心得...目前遭遇最大問題: 熱當.上蓋拿掉才會正常, 要不然很容易crash 要拔插頭網路問題: pc vista 可以看到a200的所有目錄跟存取. 可是從a200看不到vista分享的目錄, google一下做了相關設定,還是不能, ...


字幕的部分,目前在BDISO/BDMV外掛.srt字幕的這個功能只有在C-200韌體版本02-02-100214-19-POP-408-000才有開始支援。A-200 2/24日釋出目前的韌體還沒有辦法。
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使用道具 舉報

 樓主| 發表於 2010-3-30 17:26:35 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 weber001 於 2010-3-29 22:07 發表 反應一個問題吧!字幕的高度和大小設定好後,每次關機再開都要重設,設的很煩,能不能存起來不用在重設了!<-- 為什麼要關機,不用待機模式?因為待機模式風扇會轉,硬碟在燙,所以一定會關機.... Default的字型大小 ...

謝謝大大的建議,Popcorn Hour外掛.srt字幕不太美觀的問題十個人裡面大概有十一個人會反映,所以我們真的了解這個情況。

有關字幕不美觀,保存字幕設定值等問題,我們已在今年1月底的時候將這些列入待修正的bug list,但是目前還沒有排上更新時程。我們會再與Popcorn Hour原廠確認相關時間。


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使用道具 舉報

發表於 2010-4-2 13:58:20 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 51# 的帖子


我的建議是: Size: 40 -> 48~52, Position: 70 -> 0

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使用道具 舉報

發表於 2010-4-6 14:21:51 | 顯示全部樓層
請問一下台灣代理商 PCHTW,
我買的A200因為裝機殼會過熱當機, 請問我可以在上蓋打洞嗎(洞的下面是風扇),
這樣會invalid 保固嗎?
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使用道具 舉報

 樓主| 發表於 2010-4-6 18:07:45 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 freylin 於 2010-4-6 14:21 發表 請問一下台灣代理商 PCHTW, 我買的A200因為裝機殼會過熱當機, 請問我可以在上蓋打洞嗎(洞的下面是風扇), 這樣會invalid 保固嗎?




1. 將A-200底部的四個固定腳用木頭或橡膠墊高,這樣中間空出的部位可以幫助散熱。

2. 請您提供硬碟的型號讓我們工程部門確認。

3. 在硬碟的上方安裝與硬碟尺寸相同的散熱片。高度不超過A-200。

依據我們先前用戶的經驗,硬碟存取的問題也有可能造成NMT OS的當機。這部分麻煩大大您再確認釐清一下。

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 樓主| 發表於 2010-4-15 16:16:53 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 54# 的帖子

官方最新消息,Popcorn Hour A-200即將支援Rich UI喔!詳情請見


[ 本帖最後由 PCHTW 於 2010-4-15 16:21 編輯 ]
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發表於 2010-4-23 17:39:49 | 顯示全部樓層
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-4-29 15:21:32 | 顯示全部樓層



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發表於 2010-5-2 17:42:39 | 顯示全部樓層
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-5-3 17:37:34 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 sitdown 於 2010-5-2 17:42 發表
另外新版的韌體有沒有預定推出的時程呢?想要美美的字型及ts外掛字幕可以正常運作啊~~~ ...


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 樓主| 發表於 2010-5-14 21:33:27 | 顯示全部樓層

A-200 5/14 日新韌體發佈 02-02-100428-19-POP-411


今天 5/14日 A-200新版韌體已經發佈了,更新的細項如下:

Release date : 14 May 2010
Firmware version : 02-02-100428-19-POP-411-000

1. Minimum NMT apps 02-02-100318-19-POP-411
    - external SRT subtitle support for BD
        - Put SRT file (same name as BD title folder name/ISO name) at same directory level
        - Start main movie playback, then use SUBTITLE key to toggle embedded/external SRT subtitle.
    - Fixed some DVD disc playback on NTSC & PAL mode, cannot restore composite output after playback (Bug #5000407)
    - Fix volume up/down, audio muted (Bug #5000401)
    - Added handling for BD initial audio/subtitle language settings according to setup
    - Save/resume bookmark support - currently not persistent (only saved to volatile memory)
    - Disabled non-functional ZOOM/PAN key BD-J playback.
    - Fixed playback via SMB crash with certain file (Bug #5000457)
    - Fixed audio track swicthing failure on first keypress of Audio key (Bug #5000464)
    - Fixed initial language/subtitle setup doesnt work with BD disc (Bug #5000492)
    - Fixes for BD/DVD parental control function  
    - Fixed for external SRT subtitle font size during BD playback (Bug #5000489)
    - Fixed certain BD subtitle cannot display
    - Fixed PCM via HDMI audio loss after DVD playback (Bug #5000272)
    - Optimise external SRT support (word-wrap etc)
    - Fixed for audio out-of-sync for BD playback after adjust audio offset
    - Persistent bookmark/resume for BD on harddisk
    - Fixed SimpleBD time seek inconsistentcy in certain cases
    - Fixed external SRT cannot display Hebrew properly, broken in previous RC1
    - BD navigation method now selectable (Setup -> BD/DVD/Audio CD: BD Navigation)
        - File View: basic file browsing
        - Simple BD: simplified BD navigation
        - AVCHD + SimpleBD: AVCHD and simplified BD navigation
        - Full Navigation: Full BD navigation (this feature not available on A-200)
    - Fixed certain titles show wrong elapsed time in SimpleBD mode
    - Fixed select different audio track at SimpleBD Menu will cause playback to wrongly skip ahead by > 1 hour (Bug #5000460)
    - Fixed shuffle icon not displayed on front panel when in Audio CD shuffle playback (Bug #5000540)
3. Video and Audio playback
    - Fixed HDMI audio cannot recover after turning TV off and on again (Bug #5000032)
    - Changes for MP4 HTTP streaming, for better key responsiveness and buffering.
    - Fixed Dolby Digital DRC setting not applied properly
    - Fixed audio stuttering in certain MP4 clips (Bug #5000377)
    - Fixed certain TS file cannot get width/height and aspect ratio when resume from bookmark.
    - use 1920x1080 resolution for subtitle rendering
    - Marquee window for BGM displaying brief ID3 info
    - Fixed crash if MKV chapter name is too long
    - Fixed stuttering in certain MP4 (Bug #5000456)
    - Fixed font size in certain SSA subtitle
    - Subtitle pos Y adjustment; Added timeout (20sec) to clear OSD menu after idling
    - myihome and WMP11 streaming failure; broken in previous release
    - Fix for TV recorded TS stream
    - Changed audio sync adjustment; now 10 msec per step with -2sec ~ +2sec range
    - Fixed FLAC (96kHz/24bit) playback have no audio output on certain HDMI TV (Bug #5000434)
    - Fix for TV recorded TS stream with PMT > 0 could not playback
    - Save on-the-fly "audio sync" setting persistently
    - Fix for standby mode during video/music playback (Bug #5000458)
    - Fixed incorrect TV mode display on infobar when set to HDMI/Component 576p (Bug #5000461)
    - Fixed no subtitle display with certain MKV (Bug #5000409)
    - Fixes for certain mkv and mp4 playback stuttering or audio loss
    - Fix MIB clip freeze and audio jitter for TrueHD core
    - Fixed Scaling/Zooming/Panning issue when in SD TV mode
    - FIxed certain SSA not displayed with user-selected ANSI codepage
    - Removed non-functional Hue setting from Video-Setup menu
    - Fixed external .srt and internal PGS subtitle for M2TS format overlapped (Bug #5000503)
    - Fine-tuning of mp4 playback performance
    - Fixed volume setting always reset to 0 after rebooting (Bug #5000406)
    - Patch for certain MOV file recorded by Canon EOS1D Mark IV DSLR cannot playback
    - Playlist navigator for music playback (first phase)
        - press Green button during music playback (not available for BGM)
        - only simple navigation (up/down, Enter keys) now, press Green to close or timeout after 20sec
        - not applicable with UPnP or HTTP-based server
    - Fixed music playlist navigator cannot display after BD playback
    - Fixed subtitle menu inconsistency when subtitle if set off by default
    - Fixed Arabic Tashkeel shaping error in subtitle (Bug #0000272 part1)
    - Fixed displaying of "0.wav" on front panel bug of previous RC2
    - minor graphical changes and new image for music and playlist screen
    - Fixed black screen display when playback ended during playlist navigator mode
4. Photo app
    - Fixed player freezed upon playing certain corrupted image (Bug #5000424)
    - Pressing Power key will stop slideshow and goto 'standby'
5. System/Network
    - Corrected Dolby disclaimer
    - Unique USB device names for repeated names
    - Setup
        - Adjustment for page layout in SD mode
        - Fix for BD PiP and parental control level settings saving issue
        - Fixed DVD setup page settings cannot update if parental password wrong or canceled
        - minor modification of layout and translation
        - Fixed BD PiP and BD Navigation does not restore when default factory setting selected
    - Network listing navigation page up/down using front panel key
    - Added TCP receive window size adjustment (in Setup -> Network)
        - value between 1500 and 32000 bytes
    - Persistent saving of subtitle color, fontsize and pos setting
6. Browser
    - Fixed File copy issue with certain USB device
    - Delete one file should show 1/1 on osd instead of 0/0
    - Fixed rename folder fail and cannot see original name on popup
    - Fixed file operation problem with '?' or '$' in filename
    - Language pack translation and pop-up message word wrap fix
    - Hotplug USB-HDD OSD message fix
    - SATA Disk volume label if applicable.
7. Torrent
    - Fixed scheduler UI refresh issue
    - Torrent setting page UI misalignment fix (Bug #5000462)
    - Fixed flashapp missing images
    - Added new PHF apps: channelcom, nextnewnetwork, malaysiakiniTV
    - Fixed volume control jump two steps
    - Fixed mp3 sound issue where it stops after 2 sec
    - Improved font display (e.g. some characters truncated)
    - Pressing Power key will stop PHF and goto 'standby'
    - Fixed when PHF with music is playing in the background, start an music playback will cause crash or vice-versa
    - Fixed some characters truncated vertically
    - Fixed an issue related to Photobucket where one GIF crash upon decoding
9. NMT Apps
    - NMT apps install to USB device. Separate NMT apps installation from Media partition.
    - Fixed various issues after new NMT installation introduced in previous release


麻煩請在更新前先做系統重新開機的動作,方法是Power + Eject鍵。


[ 本帖最後由 PCHTW 於 2010-5-14 21:36 編輯 ]
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使用道具 舉報

發表於 2010-5-14 23:18:29 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2010-5-16 09:05:05 | 顯示全部樓層
像是 *ts  或是*mkv 都是直接重開機

(一些操作反應是比兆赫還快 )
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-5-16 16:23:16 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 jingse 於 2010-5-16 09:05 發表
像是 *ts  或是*mkv 都是直接重開機

有些不 ...

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