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詹姆斯卡麥隆添購 50 組 RED EPIC-M 專業攝影機


發表於 2011-4-25 21:58:50 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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本文章最後由 popo0121 於 2011-4-25 21:59 編輯

轉載自癮科技 詹導狂購 50 組 RED EPIC-M 專業攝影機,Avatar 2 要你好看!?
James Cameron picks up 50 RED EPIC-Ms, high-fives Peter Jackson
Looks like another director's been on a shopping spree lately, as RED's Jim Jannard's just announced that he sold another 50 EPIC-Ms to one generous customer. Who's this, you ask? Why, it's James Cameron of Avatar and Titanic fame, and he's probably just blown $2.9 million on his latest stash of cinematographic toys -- it's $58,000 a pop for these hand-machined professional cameras. Details are scarce at the moment, but any educated guess would point at the upcoming Avatar 2 due end of 2014, meaning our favorite blue aliens will be returning in a healthy 5K resolution. Keep an eye out for Jannard's official announcement later this week for the full lowdown.

詹導狂購 50 組 RED EPIC-M 專業攝影機,Avatar 2 要你好看!?
繼魔戒大導演 Peter Jackson 大手筆添購 30 台 RED EPIC 攝影系統來拍攝電影 The Hobbit 後,另一位專拍大片的 James Cameron 秉持輸人不輸陣的精神,在日前正式向 RED 下了整整五十組 EPIC-M;這一組要價 58,000 的攝影系統,50 組則是超越大家想像的 290 萬美元,不過相較於整部電影(應該就是拿來拍 Avatar 2 吧!)的預算,這類的『消耗品』,大概也只是皮毛而已。


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