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[分享] WD TV Live (WDTV2) 中文官方資訊


發表於 2010-2-5 10:38:50 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 <I>fangjoe24</I> 於 2010-2-4 21:17 發表 <A href="http://www.hd.club.tw/redirect.php?goto=findpost&amp;pid=404775&amp;ptid=29279" target=_blank><IMG alt="" src="http://www.hd.club.tw/images/common/back.gif" border=0></A> 今天剛去買了一台wd tv live 接上色差之後就有影無聲!!只能調回av端子的部分來觀看<IMG alt= src="http://www.hd.club.tw/images/smilies/default/13.gif" border=0 smilieid="73"> 然後用繁體字幕也出現一堆亂碼!! 不知道有沒有其他同伴有這樣的問題可以提供解決方法<IMG alt= src="http://www.hd.club.tw/images/smilies/default/77.gif" border=0 smilieid="99"> ...
<P>System &gt; Additional encoding support &gt; 選 Tranditional Chinese(Big5)<BR></P>
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發表於 2010-2-28 19:42:40 | 顯示全部樓層
<P>官方測試版韌體 1.02.14(目前已關閉下載) </P>
<P>官網說明 </P>
<P><A href="http://www.wdc.com/wdtvlive_prerelease/" target=_blank>http://www.wdc.com/wdtvlive_prerelease/</A> </P>
<P>可以到這裡下載 </P>
<P><A href="http://cid-6eacec5426b95e4b.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/.Public">http://cid-6eacec5426b95e4b.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/.Public</A></P>
<P>我的WD TV LIVE已更新到1.02.14,目前使用正常</P>
<P>字幕大小可以到64,可顯示Blu-ray PSG字幕,外掛字幕還是過高,其他功能沒用到,不知道有甚麼不一樣</P>
<P>• Added Windows 7 Support. </P>
<P>• Added larger subtitle font size options.</P>
<P>• Added European language input for keyboard. </P>
<P>• Added serial and part number to About page. </P>
<P>• Added support for embedded subtitles in mpg files.</P>
<P>• Added new category in Photo/Video to view by date. </P>
<P>• Added a field in network settings for changing the workgroup name.</P>
<P>• Added ability to play a video from the preview window without restarting. </P>
<P>• Added username/password feature for SAMBA security. </P>
<P>• Added Wireless LAN strength bar in Network info page. </P>
<P>• Changed default browsing by date to start with the latest files first.</P>
<P>• Changed video browse default to "Preview Mode" instead of thumbnail mode. </P>
<P>• Corrected several language translations issues. </P>
<P>• Resolved issues with subtitle sync adjustment.</P>
<P>• Resolved abnormal display of BMP photos through a media server. </P>
<P>• Resolved Audio channel information shows up in AutoPlay mode. </P>
<P>• Resolved Blu-ray ISO subtitle not displaying throughout VIDEO playback. </P>
<P>• Resolved Blu-ray slow playback across SAMBA. </P>
<P>• Resolved camera files not enumerating correctly in mass storage. </P>
<P>• Resolved login issue with SAMBA after exiting screen saver. </P>
<P>• Resolved DVR-MS black screen problem on resume after forward and rewind.</P>
<P>• Resolved external sub/idx subtitles flashbacking issue. </P>
<P>• Resolved playback across media server failures.</P>
<P>• Resolved hard drive icon from disappearing in the video list under preview mode. </P>
<P>• Resolved issue of HDMI becoming jittery after long time play. </P>
<P>• Resolved M4V files not supporting fast forward and rewind.</P>
<P>• Resolved manual network addressing issue.</P>
<P>• Resolved missing shuffle &amp; repeat icon for slideshow within Flickr. </P>
<P>• Resolved music search not displaying playlist names. </P>
<P>• Resolved network devices (SAMBA) disappearing without warning. </P>
<P>• Resolved PTP issue of unsupported video file formats DX6490,DIMAGE Z2 &amp; X1, ptio 555 and DMC-FX2. </P>
<P>• Resolved Sony Walkman not showing photos within directory. </P>
<P>• Resolved unsupported file formats not showing an error message. </P>
<P>• Resolved video playback overscan issue for CRT TVs. </P>
<P>• Resolved WIFI Belkin F6D4050 with RAlink 3070 chip and Linksys WUSUB100 Ver 2. </P>
<P>• Resolved WIFI ZyXel NWD-270N dongle not enumerating.</P>

[ 本帖最後由 cth3922 於 2010-2-28 19:54 編輯 ]
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使用道具 舉報

發表於 2010-3-1 21:55:20 | 顯示全部樓層
用了第一代的WD TV,韌體更新的頻率跟其他廠牌比起來算是不錯
去年買了WD TV LIVE,用到目到為止,還算滿意
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發表於 2010-3-18 12:27:07 | 顯示全部樓層
<P><A href="http://www.wdc.com/wdtvlive_prerelease/">http://www.wdc.com/wdtvlive_prerelease/</A></P>
<P>Prerelease download (updated 3/17/2010) We're pleased to offer prerelease product updates to make your viewing experience better than ever. Updating your media player is simple. Just follow the instructions below, grab your remote and enjoy the show! This is a prerelease version of the firmware. Feel free to install it but be aware this is beta firmware we are still testing so use it at your own risk. If you are not comfortable with this, please wait for the final version. If after installation, you are unhappy with your beta firmware and wish to roll back your device to its previous settings and firmware, please follow the instructions at the bottom of this page to do so. Please post your experiences here. Do not contact customer support for issues found with this firmware. What's in this update? Prerelease 1.02.19 (includes all previously released updates) Resolved Issues: Added "Play To" support for Microsoft Windows 7. Added subtitle location options (Up/Down arrows). Resolved slow to source MKV files over network share. Added European language input for keyboard Fixed issues with subtitle support with font size and sync adjustment Fixed various issues with Samba connection Resolved issues with new WLAN dongles from Belkin, Linksys, and Zyxel Fixed various playback related issues. See release notes for details. </P>
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使用道具 舉報

發表於 2010-3-18 12:40:24 | 顯示全部樓層
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Added subtitle location options (Up/Down arrows).</span><br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Fixed issues with subtitle support with font size and sync adjustme</span><br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Fixed various playback related issues</span><br><br>這三點,贊一個<br><br>已經有載點了,還不錯,wd tv live韌體有持續在更新,值得鼓勵

[ 本帖最後由 jedinray 於 2010-3-18 12:46 編輯 ]
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發表於 2010-3-18 18:31:20 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2010-3-19 07:27:55 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2010-4-6 09:05:24 | 顯示全部樓層
<b class="title_prodoverviewbullet">Release 1.02.21 (3/30/10)</b><ul><li>Added
Play To support for Microsoft Windows 7.</li><li>Added external
subtitle location options (Up/Down arrows).</li><li> Added larger
subtitle font size options.</li><li> Added Western European language
input for keyboard. </li><li>Other bug fixes and product improvements
(see release notes).</li></ul>
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